What's you build?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Simbob, Aug 1, 2010.

What's you build?

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Strategy Discussion' started by Simbob, Aug 1, 2010.

  1. Simbob

    Simbob New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    So, I play Terran. My opening build is normally as follows:

    8/9 build supply depot at wall spot.
    11supply done, the scv goes to scout, barracks started at wall.
    12/13 another supply to complete wall, 1 refinery up.

    I normally get lost after that... No clear build from then on. I usually just see what the opponent is doing and then build to counter. If the units I'm training will take lots of gas I'll normally get another refinery, but if I'm going something like hellions or marines/marauders I'll probably just stick to 1 for reactors and upgrades...

    Anyone have any tips? (Ty in advance)

    What is your build?
  2. jpd5184

    jpd5184 New Member

    Jul 31, 2010
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    i play zerg

    14 pool
    15 hatch

    then i get a queen, then i either go speedling and baneling, roach and ling, or hydralisks depending on what my scout finds out.

    i always seem in need of more overlords though and an overseer.
  3. Simbob

    Simbob New Member

    May 1, 2008
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    yea? i never really get supply capped with terran. Always finding myself short of gas (only when i have 2 refineries tho...)
  4. domanz

    domanz New Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    You should invest in a second refinerie sooner than later. As terran, with your mules, you'll swim in minerals anyways. And more gas (provided you build enough barracks/factories/starports) means more units you can build, which is a big factor besides scouting and microing in battle.

    Supply lock (needing supply depots/overlords) should not happen, usually these should be built before one reaches the limit. Of course, it will happen often, since there just are intense situations where only pros continue macroing.
  5. AeG

    AeG New Member

    Jul 21, 2010
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    I play protoss and i kinda have 2 builds. I play mostly 2v2 and 3v3 with my friends so it really depends on what kind of rush we wanna implement. Sometimes we go with the first 2-3 zealots, marines wtv each. Sometimes we build fo 5-6 mins then we go eith 5-6 units each. Anyway here are the 2 options:

    Build A:

    9 pylon
    10 gateway
    11 gas
    Cyb core as soon as gateway completes
    Get a stalker( especially vs terran and its stupid reaper rushes)
    Get another gateway around 15-16
    2nd gas.
    pump a mix of units
    Get observer and immortal. Sometimes i get the immortal first. Really depends what ur playing. Immortals are amazing against protoss stalkers , zerg hydra and siege tanks. I used quite a lot especially in 2v2 and 3v3 and it worked a lo of times. As any build it has its flaws bcuz it takes kinda long but then again depends on the game: if ur gonna be rushed early or not..

    Build B:

    9 pylon
    10 gateway
    11 gateway
    Pump 4-6 zealots and go

    Put gas up and cyb core. By the time ur zealots did some kind of damage in ur enemies base u should b pumping more zealots with AGAIN a mix of sentries and stalker. (I really belive in mixes). Keep pressure on ur enemy then tech whichever way u want.

    I tend to like the first one better but since i play with my friends most of the time we always decide the strategy on the spot so if they want to rush fast i go with B. We re in silver league so these are by far pretty noobish builds but hey we need to experiment to learn. I find that each player needs to build its own "build" . To like it and to master it. My winnin percentage is around 50% with these 2.
  6. cHowziLLa

    cHowziLLa New Member

    Jun 2, 2010
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    after you have built your 1st rax, you should get a tech lab just in case your enemy tries to push, you need a marauder to make them think twice in committing.

    simple follow through to your current build: once you have 12-16 workers on your minerals, throw down 3 more rax and pump out MMM.

    Although i rarely lose with Terran (probably cuz i dont play them much), I prefer playing with Toss.

    my best build: i focus my chrono boost on my nexus
    10 pylon
    10 gateway
    10 zealot
    11 assimilator
    12 pylon
    14 cybernetics
    14 assimilator
    16 stalker
    16 pylon
    17 pylon
    20 3 gateways
    25 robotics

    i make a mix of zealots/sentries/stalkers/immortals in 8min

    put some pressure and test out their army and base. Often in diamond league they can keep me out of their base but i prevent them from expanding. so i expand myself

    i build a warp prism and send it to his base, warp stalkers and kill his workers, when i notice he has moved his army to protect his mineral line... i push from the front with my 1st army.

    works 90% of the time... i usually lose to the pros/or smart gameplay or hardcore tanks or extremely fast drop to my base.

    when playing VS zerg, make sure that you aren't vulnerable to speed ling run byes.

    best scenarios, they fast expanded and while i kill his expansion i place a forcefield on his ramp so he cant reinforce, then i know its GG.