Whats the direction of the Terran?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by concreteasflesh, Jul 20, 2007.

Whats the direction of the Terran?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by concreteasflesh, Jul 20, 2007.

  1. concreteasflesh

    concreteasflesh New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    after seeing the new screens of Terran units i find my self asking, what direction are they going in??
    so i thought ide give my own lil review on them....

    Vikings: i dont really mind the name or the concept, but calling it a transforming unit doesnt really fit i think, its a dual purpose weapon. it probably will be quite effective in rushes, flying in and dropping on enemy mains and mowing them down, but for some reason it just doesnt fit in the theme of Terrans ive come to know and love. ill have to wait and see more info on them.

    Bansee: can we say this is the unit flying between buildings in the artwork? i think so, i like the idea that it can cloak, maybe its a replacement for the wraith for ground attacks, making it a tougher unit, and the viking for AA. i think it fits into the terran theme, quick cloaked assualts to render you defenceless. it looks great to me for now.

    Ghost: it looks like blizzard cross breed cobra from GI-Joe and some Power Ranger.. i dont really enjoy its look, if it has a calldown ability that is kool, fits into my liking of my idea for the Terran Capital Flagship(an ultimate terran unit idea i have) but otherwise i think its face needs to be worked on, i enjoyed the sensor units on the ghosts face of old.http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?topic=918.0

    Marine: the marine is how it should be, im rested assured. and that its getting 15HP and +armor for its shield upgrade, all i can say is i NAILED it on the Marine Shield post. i like its look, true infantry, looks great en mass. i hope they will perform better as well. GO MARINES!http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?topic=78.405

    Reaper: it looks somewhat different from the gameplay vids, i enjoy their concept and think they should make a good addition, i however think that they should have dual SMGs instead of pistols, cuz pistols seem too small to make war with... well have to see if they go on a diet before the final though....

    Cobra: looks fine to me, by hovering will it be a ground or air based unit? im guessing ground so it can be attcked by ground units, i like the fact it can attack while moving, mass a good few dozen, press A and left click on enemy base and they take care of it themselves, the name cobra fits its dual rail guns, the killer fangs :D...

    Thor: this is where i get confused, it does look pretty sweet, it does look like it can put massive hurting on you, but then it looks like it have great weaknesses as well. i posted in my Ultimate Terran unit idea that the flagship should be suspectable to attack from its undefendable rear and it seems thats what will happen here, which is good. as all mecha walkers the unit will be slower but pack a heavy heavy punch. i like how its loaded up with guns, looks sweet. but then again its first look reminded be of the Matrix part 3 where they defend the real human city with these mecha units and the C&C good sides(i forgot the name :(..) large juggernaut mecha units. i dont see how it fits into the terran realm, as flying units are much faster and get the fight going quick, ground units such as tanks move faster and are move mobile and agile. and walkers are slow, bulky and more prone to damage. it seems like it will be tough, but too slow and defeatable. im hoping that mecha walkers arent the path the terran are going because i dont see it as truely efficient. vehicles are more mobile, flyers are better all round and you have ground infantry to support both.... but well see....http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/index.php?topic=918.0


    Planetary Fortress: AWESOME, talk about home field advantage defence, i think its a great idea, fits well into the theme and if the CC can still add an addon then its even better. well see.

    Tech Center and Reactor: great ideas, add a overall tech addon to your unit making buildings to get better units. fits well. add a reactor and get twice the units at the same time!?! great for rushing, great for mass production and defending, i think it fits well, Terran buildings are large enough to support multiple building at once and i think its a good ability to add to the ever growing terran technology.

    Supply Depot: great idea for submerging, its a great walling ability that has a built in gate. its good for defence and for keeping order in your base, i support it all the way.

    Sensor Dome: so turrets might not have detection from now on and we might have to build seperate detectors to see those cloaked enemies. not to worry, i think its ok, build on higher ground or along with your turrets and we should be fine, i like idea of sepperating the two, well see how it plays out.

    Radar Dome: a good addition, even if you cant see the land you can see the enemy, its a good feature with its down side, the enemy can avoid it if need be. its a good feature, showing how the Terrans are bending their technology on defence and being aware of the enemy before they even strike. should be a good feauture.

    From what i can tell the Terrans are going neck deep into technological advancement, and its great the features fit well into their theme, i hope they work a little more on tweaking things out to make it even more Terran like but i cant complain for the most part. GO TERRAN GO!!!!

    500 minerals rewarded to concreteasflesh for this excellent post. If members think you have high quality posts and deserves extra mineral bonus, send a PM to a mod!
  2. Exterranminator

    Exterranminator New Member

    May 21, 2007
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    Dont you think that radars can ruin unexpected ambush attacks like reaver drops, dark templar sneaking, lurker (?) drop etc?
  3. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Yeah they can, but you know...thats why you would build them ?

    Anyways for the Thor unit, its a "mobile" firepowerhouse unit, why not put it on 2 legs? We already have a siege tank.

    The Viking is a goliath/valkyrie, and i like it.

    Terran is headed towards planned countering and duel mode units, and more offensive defense
  4. JudicatorPrime

    JudicatorPrime New Member

    Jul 20, 2007
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    Thor looks kick ass that's all I can say, hopefully he has some machine guns somewhere on him so he doesn't get zergling raped.

    Planetary defense thing is really cool too, I wonder if it can shoot while lifted off.

    I agree. where did transforming units come from... But atleast we got something for terrans that hits ground and air... even it does have to transform to do so.

    seems to me a couple developers played too many rounds of maelstrom (crap RTS)
  5. kiksu

    kiksu New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Anyone here finds that the whole Reaper idea is just... odd. Or plain shitty? I mean, they could came up with something more original for the Terran's infantry line. Firebat's were okay but far from being indispensable in an army. And to me Reaper's are worse than bats...
  6. TEDurden

    TEDurden New Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I think Reapers are sweet! Back in the day, when my friends and i would fantasize about starcraft II, we were all saying that they should have a jetpack upgrade for marines, so i was pumped when they announced reapers right off the bat!! Everything else for Terrans seem pretty sweet so far too, it seems to me that they chose to augment two basic tenets of the Terran: amazing turtling ability and base raiding with ground units. :good: from me
  7. qOcOp

    qOcOp New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    new terran sensor stuff = free map hack imo.
  8. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    :O today while playing a melee someone built a few rax right in front of my base... wasnt as affective sa it could have been though because he couldn't support them quickly enough. he had to bring in his goliaths. with that dual build ability, he would have raped me. furthermore, i see more choice with the terran than before. with a barracks: special units or dual units? thats like deciding to get hydras or lings... with the vikings: which "form" should i use it in? thats like deciding whether to build more valkyries or more goliaths... with the domes: am i going to need to see cloaked units, or be able to see ambushes? thats like deciding to use science vessels for detecting above your army/base or for scouting out the edges of your base... lastly, what is with this thor unit? i was hoping that their super thing would be a building or something. that would put more emphasis on their turtling abilities.
  9. Exvasion

    Exvasion New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    I have almost no doubt blizzard will give the other races counters to the sensor dome, i.e. the ability to somehow "cloak" and not be on radar. Also, I agree the Thor looks awesome but weak at the same time. I mean, I bet 2 warp rays could toast a Thor in under 5 seconds (unless of course, Thor has anti-air attacks).
  10. kehmdaddy

    kehmdaddy New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Well I hope 5 seconds is an exaggeration, since 4 Warp Rays take around that to kill a damaged battle cruiser in the gameplay video. I'd imagine the Thor would have between 650-800 health. Since it's going to be slow as heez and probably have a huge cooldown, it will still be fairly defenseless. But not so defenseless that if you just touch the thing it's going to fall over.
  11. Meloku

    Meloku New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    I would disagree. There is already one counter, stay out of its' range. They have already stated enemy players will be able to see the range of the sensor dome (probably shaded a darker color or something) so by simply avoiding it until seconds before your attack, you do counter it. The advantage still remains though, terrans will get to see them before they come, how long yet, we don't know.

    Here's why I don't think you will be able to avoid detection.

    If you could avoid detection, then EVERYONE would. If everyone took the precautions, nobody would buy the things in the first place. I think the counter I mentioned earlier is plenty enough to keep it in balance.
  12. GuiMontag

    GuiMontag New Member

    May 25, 2007
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    the sensor dome is just a counter to warp in, as the protoss become more mobile, the terrans counter that with better detection.
  13. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Indeed, i mean seriously think about it. You're all happy in your terran base, frolicing around with Reapers, toying with they jet packs, sending them up and down a hill, and than you notice a phase prism in your SCVs, warping in a massive army, and you're like...hm k...lets start unsieging the tanks, bring all my other army up the hill(im thinking LT) and so on and so forth, zerg can just nydus worm in your base the same way. Since terran doesnt have an offensive mobilty characteristic, they get a defensive mobility characteristic, quite ingenius actually.
  14. concreteasflesh

    concreteasflesh New Member

    Jun 18, 2007
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    dont get me wrong, the thor does look sweet, but im just questioning its fit into the terran realm, im sure it will be countered efficiently, making us need to DEF it up alot, i wonder how SCVs will build it, will it be in the build menu? like lets say: V then T for build thor or what? or will it only be buildable from multiple SCVs? well have to see. other wise i think the recon and sensor techs are good and fitting to the terrans, im sure using multiple hit and run tactis or just smashing down radars and sensors will take care of the problem, but even then just because you know the enemy is at your doorstep you wont know what or how many and you wont alwasy be ready for them. its a good feature for th terrans and im sure blizzard will balance it out properly.
  15. PowerkickasS

    PowerkickasS New Member

    Jun 14, 2007
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    not really, but if they were becoming more automated and reliant on ai technology then maybe?
    but imo since they're so lacking numbers in their population to turn into soldiers that they needa turn mecha and make the best use of the lives they've got the power to dispense.
  16. kenshin72

    kenshin72 New Member

    Jul 10, 2007
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    I think Reapers are sweet! Back in the day, when my friends and i would fantasize about starcraft II, we were all saying that they should have a jetpack upgrade for marines, so i was pumped when they announced reapers right off the bat!! Everything else for Terrans seem pretty sweet so far too, it seems to me that they chose to augment two basic tenets of the Terran: amazing turtling ability and base raiding with ground units. Thumbs up from me

    I also think about it when i thought of sc2 coming out

    its really sweet
  17. Ych

    Ych New Member

    Jun 1, 2007
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    I think the main direction that Blizzard wants for Terran is to specialize in bombardments and their ability to adapt. Siege Tanks, Banshees, and Thors all specialize in bombarding units/base. As for adapting, the new reactor/tech add-on is the key to that. If they want to crank out high-tech units, they will put the tech add-on to their buildings. But if they want to overwhelm their enemies with Tier 1 units, they would put the reactor add-on to their buildings. Not to mention, Terrans will likely have the best defence. Plantary Fortress, Bunkers, Submerged Supply Depot, Siege Tanks, Thors, etc... You can't go wrong with these toys protecting your base. :good: