I was invited to try the beta but i never got a key or had to input one. But yet here i am playin sc2 key free. i guess it has to do with me signing up for the beta months before hand.
As far as i know, if you opt in, you get the key from blizzard. Blizzard does not need to verify that it is a true key. Therefore they do not have to give you a key, but you can just download the game and play. Gratz on the key btw, and welcome.
well then looks like everyone should have opted in. That goes to show how far superior a phoenix is to lobster legs no offence.
we all already opted in? I got 2 betas off 2 opt-ins already from 2 different accs... and I doubt people here not doing a thing such as opting in for the beta.
plus idk but it may be too late to opt in. Whos the lucky person that got your second account. I wanna get a key for my coz hes more of a game freak than i. He just spent $500+ on a new graphics card i checked out this game he has arma 2 its a bad *** game and it takes alot of power to run it
The first waves of keys were actual keys. After that, the opt-in betas were simply appended to the accounts to discourage selling of keys.
I opted in a week ago or so..(had to get b.net account fixed since it was hacked.) I sent my specs in and everything...is there anything to do after that? or you have to just wait for an email?