Ho-ho-ho! What's on your wishing list? Have you been naughty or nice? I don't actually need anything to be honest.. (except SC2 that is). I'll probably end up getting some cash or completely uneccasary things like socks.. I've been naughty btw.. ^^
I'm hoping I get some movies I've been after for a bit, a new MP3 because mine just died one day, and a bunch of CDs.
I think I'd like a new screen for my comp. 22" LCD. Haven't thought about anything else... Christmas presents simply don't pack as much a punch as they did whe you were a kid...
Ooh, and any money I get is going towards an electric guitar and an amp, so it's like I'm buying my own Christmas gift with the assistance of other gifts of money.
Presents? What are these? All I want is a new PC, even if I have to buy it myself Then a PS2, PS3, a palace, golden statue of Meee and maybe some other things
a book on american christianity, some lego, and the rest is a surprise(sinterklaas is where the dutch people get their presents, its in 4 days)
Go for 360! Although if you're looking for fun and partygames you should go wii. I like the idea that it's cheap and that you can buy snes games via teh internets. Wii also has the "Nintendo-feel"..