What's all the fuss about?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by JackBlack, Aug 21, 2008.

What's all the fuss about?

  1. JackBlack

    JackBlack Guest

    I downloaded more than 1GB of Starcraft 2 gameplay videos, and I can't see any reason why this game receives such special hype, let me elaborate, every single thing is better in Tiberium Wars than in Starcraft 2:

    -the graphics is better
    -the maps are far more detailed, weather effects, sun through moving clouds
    -the units are designed better and animated better, take just for example Orca and Predator tank, how they move, effects in the air and on ground when leaving dust trail, Predator can fire on the move, it is better animated than any vehicle in Starcraft 2, and that's just mentioning two simple units. The only thing that looks better in Starcraft 2 are infantry units because they are not grouped.
    -you can crush various objects in the world, not like in Company of Heroes but still better than Starcraft 2.

    Anyway every single aspect looks far superior in Tiberium Wars, the only thing Starcraft 2 might have is non linear campaign as opposed to global map and mission selection faking in Tiberium Wars where choosing one mission over the other has no effect on anything and you can't carry over veteran units like you could have in Company of Heroes.

    And since I mentioned Company of Heroes one would think that other games would follow new standards set in animation, graphics, physics and tactics by this amazing game.

    So what is it with Starcraft 2, from every standpoint it looks inferior, obsolete and cartoonish, and what's up with the Battlecruisers, one would think they would make them turn fluidly around according to physics and their size, not ugly jerky like that.

    Can you tell me if in Starcraft 2 you can garrison buildings?
    Can you tell me if you can garrison any vehicles(like APC or Hammerhead) creating many different combinations?
    Do you have Zone Troopers drop pods(visually stunning btw)?
    Can your infantry dig in?
    Can tanks shoot while moving?
    Can you drop sensor pods like Orcas?
    Can you even upgrade your units?
    Can you airlift various units, not just infantry?
    Can you have artillery spotters for Juggernauts shoot over entire map?
    Can you tell me if you have a variety of support powers?
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
  2. Babmer

    Babmer Guest


    Do i need to add anything else to such a post as this? or do i have to actually link you to the various models/textures and brilliant animations that blizzard has done for sc2 before doom sayers make another post based on ignorance?
  3. JackBlack

    JackBlack Guest

    Btw is Starcraft 2 going to have a veterancy system? If not it will be another huge minus. Everybody enjoys taking care of their units and see their RPG-like development, this was perfectly done in Kane's Wrath global conquest.
  4. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    the videos you must be seeing are old one plus, this game isn't even out yet
  5. JackBlack

    JackBlack Guest

    Don't be so hostile, I extensively viewed every single unit and gameplay map and I really can't see anything that Tiberium Wars hasn't already done much better, just compare GDI units(Orcas, Hammerheads, Titans, Wolverines, Predators, Firehawks...) with Terran units. And every single graphics effect is also better, such things don't really even exist in Starcraft 2.

    I really really want to see that Starcraft 2 is better but I just can't objectively see it, on the contrary, it's substandard to things already done in other games, like CoH and Tiberium Wars. Also the gameplay itself seems more extensive and deeper in them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
  6. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

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    if you dont like it, and like other games more, then go buy those games and stop complaining about this game that, like MarineCorp said, hasnt even came out yet. and this should have been posted in either Other Games, or The Lounge.

    edit, just read your new post: what you must do is stop comparing it to other games and enjoy what it has.
  7. JackBlack

    JackBlack Guest

    Please restrain yourself from such mindless non-answers.
    I'm just trying to give you an objective perspective detached from the existence of original Starcraft and how Starcraft 2 doesn't par up with current standards in RTS genre.
  8. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

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    how does other games are better in, with when SC2 is just in Alpha? if its graphics, then dont talk to me about that. i like to hear how gameplay that they are better?

    and how is my reply a 'mindless non-answer'? its how i feel, if you dont like it then dont complain it to others that dont care, and dont buy it. you were complaining about it, and i gave you my personal opinion about what you should do about it.
  9. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

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    why not look into more of what blizzard has done so far with SC2 also what vids have you watched, and the graphics on protoss and terrans are more polished now, if you check the official site of SC2
  10. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    Majority of units in tiberium wars tend to mirror each other - bad idea there ;<, removes personality

    majority of sc2's units are unique - good!

    majority of tiberium wars units lack character, portrait etc - baad

    majority of sc2's units have a full backstory, character put across via a portrait and more relevant to story - Good!

    Majority of Tiberium wars units have few animations - only the bare essential -

    Majority of sc2's units have over 10 animations:
    the marine alone has over 4 death animations.

    Art style of tiberium wars has very little depth compared to sc2's its realistic a trait which often causes the game to appear boring after a while.

    Art style of sc2 is clean, crisp, and gritty where it needs to be, the units/buildings feel and belong with their enviroment aswell as having crisp and imaginative animations. (small bit of opinion in there ;<)

    LurkersLurk, please bring something more constructive, this is a forum remember ;<.
  11. lurkers_lurk

    lurkers_lurk New Member

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    i would but over half of that is graphics and i dont care for graphics, i care about gameplay, and i wanted his side of opinion first.
  12. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

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    No, there is no veterancy system, and the vast majority of active forum members didnt want it anyway. SC is not about having your units survive battles to become stronger, its about fighting knowing most of your army WILL die in a single battle.

    Having individual units become stronger through fighting would vastly affect gameplay and balance of units. Whereas Blizzard wants the gameplay to be similar to that of SC1
  13. JackBlack

    JackBlack Guest

    Don't you think that environment in Starcraft 2 looks sterile and fabricated, in Tiberium Wars every environment looks amazing and very detailed with continually changing lighting effects and reflection on units. Everything looks so much better with many destructible details.

    Don't you feel disappointed at Banshee and Viking(when flying), how the firing effects are very poor? Banshee doesn't even rile up dust on the ground like Orcas or Hammerheads..

    Don't you feel disappointed at Battlecruiser with it's jerky turning around instead of fluidity of motion that befits the unit of such size(the bigger the unit the uglier jerkyness looks)?

    Don't you feel disappointed at the change of Colossus firing which now looks completely retarded?

    Don't you feel disappointed that Phoenix special ability looks ridiculous? It could have been done so much better with the unit itself rotating quickly in all directions like in The Last Starfighter, anything than this retardedness.

    And so on....

    And why don't they fix the jerky transition of flying units when they go up and down over terrain with transitional flying animation, like diving and such, have you seen Halo Wars, now that's how units should fly.

    It's sad that if it was a concept decision for Starcraft 2 not to go beyond established new standards of Company of Heroes, they could have at least worked on details that the closest game-Tiberium Wars has, it's just such a huge quality difference between them, and it shouldn't be so since Tiberium Wars is older, so much for linear progress...

    Starcraft 2 is supposed to be a simple streamlined RTS, one would think they would put a little effort for such undemanding game that doesn't push any envelope in RTS genre and doesn't change anything.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 21, 2008
  14. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    All the things you posted there are not relevant to the multiplayer side of the game, they distract the eye (lame huh? ;/ thats team liquid folks for you) and clutter the screen.

    ALL that has been properly shown is the multiplayer side of the game, such effects/transitions etc etc are most definatly likely to be present in the single player.

    This kinda highlights another reason why tiberian wars multiplayer was bad tbh ;<.
  15. JackBlack

    JackBlack Guest

    Well, the veterancy vastly improved the gameplay enjoyment of Company of Heroes and Tiberium Wars, even Dawn of War 2 will have it...

    Every RTS game that I play now that doesn't have veterancy feels very hollow. So, that number of kills each unit has in Starcraft 2 is just a stupid gimmick...
  16. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

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    Remember, they are making this game so people with older computers and older graphics cards can actually run the game.

    And no, I dont feel disapointed about any of it. Balance is what they are working on, animations will be fixed after the balance is worked out.
  17. Fenix

    Fenix Moderator

    May 21, 2007
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    I'm not sure when the last time you looked at an ingame screenshot was, but it can't have been recently. Any current screen has well over 50 doodads in it. There are at least 15 textures for any given terrain. Dead units and buildings litter the ground.

    Again, SC II is in Alpha. They don't want to go all out on animations if they're going to end up axing the unit.

    All the graphics and CGI's will be tweaked, and tweaked again. Then probably tweaked some more.

    The new Colossus firing animation looks like ****.

    And you want the Phoenix to spin!?

    One would think to wait till the game is at least in beta, or, heaven forbid, released before passing condemning judgments.

    *EDIT* Also, most units are expendable in SC, that's the type of game it is, no unit would really live long enough to become a vet
  18. JackBlack

    JackBlack Guest

    That's a stupid thing to say, I always play RTS games with the goal to lose zero units, I finished Terran campaign(I lost 2 units in Protoss campaign) in original Starcraft without losing a single unit and I finished the GDI campaign in Tiberium Wars without losing a single unit.
  19. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    JackBlack your posts are clearly criticising SC2 when SC2 haven't had a chance to be released yet, its like attacking a defenseless person
  20. Babmer

    Babmer Guest

    His argument and ours are irrelevant - the single player portion of the game has not been shown hence you wont know what to expect or ***** about until its revealed ;D.