ok just so i can get a fell for how the clan mates like playing for wen i do get back on what is yor favoret map to play on fastest or low money.
Low Money! Fav for low is Python and Bluestorm and for fast as shadow said where there is spot for cc/nex/hatch in back ^^ lol Firedragon can u beat dark_night? ^^? lol
i bet dark once or twice then he got to be rell good beter then me but i dont game as much as i use to.
i love lt and luna. tempel is not bad some maps that is. fastest is good. favoret fastest map is micro.
Low Money = Luna Fastest = Clan EMP's Fastest Map that i made which shadow still hasnt put on site yet :/ (maybe b/c doesnt have 2 cc spots :O ) UMS = assassinate bush v3 random cat and mouse jungle laser tag v3