Situations, and how you would plan to react if you were the coming hero of the story Situation 1: You(r family) recently moved to a large city. One rainy Tuesday morning, on the way to school/work/recreation, you suddenly hear a loud thunderclap. At this time you are in a mostly empty street, with only a single car driving through. Then it starts raining melons. Loud crashes everywhere, you can hear screams in the distance. What do you do, main character?
Search as you try, you can not find stacks of delicious white powder in the street. You think one of the cars might have some in it, but as you approach it, it gets crushed by a giant watermelon.
Inb4 racist joke. Contact weather specialists, get them to devise a plan to have the storm moved permanently to a large area of unused land. Modify the land so that the melon storm can be harvested. Cure world hunger. Buy new, better heroine.