Well in conjunction with the ''What we dislike about sc2'' thread, I thought I should make this so we can get a collective idea of what we actually do like instead of complaining for once. I like: Unlimited selection as it will make my mass Zergling use that bit more deady than before as I can select the whole group and put them on patrol towards to the enemy base/units, allowing them to slice through like butter without much managment, this then leaves me to individually control little groups to out micro those damn High Templars. Dynamic units with something special to bring to the table and be used in many fitting situations, such as the Reaper, Viking, Stalker, Colossus, Crucio Tank, Nydus Worm (if it had cloak) etc. I would add the Medivac if they implimented a mechanic which allows it to be used as a Medivac when a Medic is loaded into a Dropship, that way we retain the much needed usefulness of the Medic and Marines get their shine back, then we have the availabilty to heal better on the move, that way it suits play style, situations (the Terran where known for being adaptive), and at the same time it balances its self out being high tech, costly as you'd need 1 Dropship and one Medic to make one Medivac. Every unit not having some ability as the game becomes to complicated. In my opinion I believe the best of the game is achieved with a unit's attributes one fine example was the Mutalisk, the nature of its attack and the fact it was not so tough benifitted greatly when the application of skill and knowledge was put into correct use, that correct use being Stacking, as it allowed them to last much longer by not being individually targeted so the damage hops around, could one shot and use their bouncing effect much better as every shot followed the same path due to the stacking. I really hope this comes back somehow. The graphic style as it handles realism and has a unique feel to it like Starcraft1 did, many of you will overlook that but that is one of the things in which made Sc1 so sexy, the fact you could tell every unit apart, the visuals where vibrant meaning if you saw something but didn't quite catch it you had an idea of what just happened meaning you could respond better, which is all an aspect of better gameplay. I for one hope they keep on the path of realism and art together. Latest changes regarding the Terran visuals; quite a few buildings have been getting updated such as the Bunker and it looks great, it allows me to imagine what the completed Starcraft2 will look like, holding on the the realism view of it and the unique art style of Blizzard. The Zerg Roach is one of the best additions to Zerg as it breaks the mould meaning the Zerg are not held to that one notion of being weak and as we know Protoss have a lot of anti-zerg whereas the Zerg didn't really have any anti-protoss, but now the Roach is exactly that, anti-protoss. I really hope they don't change this unit. Nydus Worm is another great unit for the Zerg as it makes their suprise attacks that bit more deadly and allows them to attack in multiple locations which is something Zerg can excel at due to their numbers. And while the enemy would be focusing on one army the second army could very well slip into their base unoticed and send out more, thus destroying the defensless base or splitting the forces up meaning you gain the upper hand either way when done right. Nydus Worm suits my play style nicely as I like to ambush and attack discreetly although that has been nerfed quite a bit since Nydus Worms no longer move underground meaning they lose their cloak and suprise attack factor, although the desired results could be used with multiple Worms or distracting the opponent to get that Worm into position, although I must say that it seems to work better vs Protoss than Terran in my mind as Terran was much better detection capabilities than Protoss and they have long range tanks, protective Bunkers. So yea I don't really see my self using the Nydus Worm to take a Terran base by suprise; vs Terran it would probably be best to use during battles to flank their forces and to attack expansions. Please add your opinions and what you like and used to like about Sc2, feel free to disagree with views and such but don't forget its mainly opinion in here.
I think something which alot of people have forgotten is the awesome look for the campaign. I'm sure all of this has been changed but The ability to choose which units you want to be able to use as you progress through the levels. From what we've seen you gain a certain amount of points upon completion of a mission which in turn gives you the ability to "Buy" the technology to use a certain unit in the next mission i.e the viking. A nicer looking star map and stats on the planets. I can't remember the exact details but you can now view stats about each planet in the SC universe where your fighting Great cutscenes to progress the plot along and very nice voice acting. Blizzard continues its tradition of having top notch graphics in its cutscens and cinematics and even though Raynor sounds a bit more retarded now everyone else is good =P More unique heroes/abilities for them. Blizzard has stated that each hero will have his or her own abilities and unique figure. Interactive enviroment outside of missions In the terran campaign vid we saw that you spend your time upon the Hyperion between missions and you can talk to characters and do some of the things a stated previously An awesome plot xD Hey, its Starcraft 2 of course the plot will be awesome.
PROTOSS: Most of Toss is looking quite superb. Zealot Charge, Stalker, weaker Pylons, Phase Prism mechanic, Warp-in, Carrier Escort mechanic are all great additions or improvements. TERRAN: I think the universal Add-on system and Reactors are the best things that happened to the Terran, by far. However, a lot of things are not looking very good at the moment. Overall, Terran design is a bit of a mess right now IMO. But because the Terran has a strong foundation in its new tech structure, I think it won't be too hard to iron things out. ZERG: Roach, all-Terrain Nydus, tier 2 DarkSwarm, Baneling evolution. I think that's about the only good things that happened to the Zerg.
TERRAN: The models don't look very very nice, as for gameplay, i like the supply depot that goes underground and the ghost the most, rest are good also! PROTOSS: I don't like the DarkTemplar and the Zealot models, the rest are really good. I like very much the Immortal, the Phase Prism, the new Carrier with escorts and the best: the Warp-In system.. it's very very interesting ZERG: I love the Queen, the Swarm Guardian idea, if it will still fire broodling eggs 'till the final version, i like the Roach, i like the Infester's concept, but i hate the model...
I'll have to go with jx64. Everything in SC2 seems great. With the exception of the current Thor which is still pending.
The Thor IMO the coolest unit that BLIZZARD ever made, and hopefully have a cool role for the terran. I wouldn't get your hopes up though
I like: Universal addons: I agree with Remy, the new addon system is the best thing that the Terran race has undergone. The interchangeability means that I no longer have to destroy addons that are in the way of a building site. Lowering Supply Depots: It always irritated me to see a SCV of mine wall himself in while mass building supply depots. Either you build another one until you tech up to dropships, or you just leave it. The walling function we've seen in action also looks great. Newest Terran graphics: They finally got rid of that ugly bunker model! :yes: Construction queues: Monitoring construction is important, but playing babysitter to builders while they make things like pylons and depots is not why I like playing Starcraft. The Ultralisk: 200 extra HP, splash damage, +5 damage versus buidlings, and Burrow all for an extra 100 minerals to the original cost (according to starwiki). The Ultralisk is truly a force to be feared. Swarm Guardian: I love the new concept for the guardian. Lobbing eggs at enemies sounds logical, considering the guardian is said to come from the nesting form of the Mantis Screamer (Mutalisk core genus). It also ties together the Zerg air force as one focused on spreading confusion and mayhem, what with the Mutalisk's ricocheting attack, and the Corruptor's...erm, corrupting. I really hope the broodling spawn stays through to release. The Baneling: Infested Terrans had a massive 500 damage, which pretty much meant anything on the ground was screwed if they got hit, but the amount of work to get them made them almost useless. Actually having buildable suicide units is a definite plus. That's it for what I'm truly loving so far. Pretty much everything else I'm really iffy on because we haven't seen it in action yet, or I'm dying to get some visuals on it. The latest on the Carrier is a good example. I don't really get why you can't just command a carrier to attack one unit or make an attack move as the need arises, and I can't help but imagine the Escorts as four miniature Warp Rays revolving around the Carrier's hull.