Joneagle_X if you want to help me keep this topic pined and updated that would be nice! Lets see what people that played over this room have found out that is different in that build they played from previous public builds :good: I will try to focus more on what has Changed and less what is brand new. [img width=500 height=375][/img] Here is a quick list of changes to the game. I will try and get more as time goes on, but enjoy! - Thor is now smaller and faster and now has a strong GTA AOE ability. - Phoenix is stronger but can not attack ground anymore. - Colossus now fires in an AOE which is extremely deadly for grouped units. - Jackal is extremely strong against grouped units, but moves at a normal pace. Cannot fire while moving. - The medic has been cut for the time being. It has been replaced by the Medivac dropship. - Marauder is extremely deadly but doesnt do well on its own. - The Nomad got a redesign (no picture as of yet). Its turrets are extremely strong, about as strong as an unsieged tank. - Queen can be upgraded to a Lair Watcher and then to a Hive Matriarch. You may only have 1 at a time and if it dies, you can rebuild it. But once rebuilt it starts back again at its Queen level. - Queen has the following abilities: Creep Tumor, Swarm Clutch, Deep Tunnel, Regeneration, Swarm Infestation, Toxic Creep - Queen can build three types of buildings: a Swarm Clutch (fires high damage attack but has low HP), a Creep Tumor (extends area of creep), and Shriekers (detectors that extend the range of all Clusters within a certain radius to the entire radius covered by the Shrieker). - Ultralisks are extremely strong and deadly. A good counter are archons or siege tanks. - Colossus CAN go over cliffs (rumors in korean sites said the opposite). He cannot climb 2 level cliffs, but then he could never do that. - Zerg revealed (you noticed about that ;D) - There will be no official "classic mode" from Blizzard interview explaination: (agree we want Starcraft 2 not Starcraft 1.5) - The Banshee no longer does AoE damage, but it is nevertheless extremely effective. - Visual effects during battles have been balanced a lot, in order to make the battle field more clear and terran's metalic texture has been more "Darker and grittier", total game saturation was reduced a little. - Mothership's current abilities are: Cloaking, Planet Cracker, and Void. Void is similar to black hole.
Re: What we know so far for on latest public build! That sounds bad. First a que of 5 is annoying to start with and second, I don't think getting a reactor is worth the cost just for a minor convinience. A good player who will not be hindered by a que size of 5 will never get them.
Re: What We Know So Far on the Latest public build! Yeah. A player who's any good at micro should be able to have his entire queue full the whole time. I think this was because it made Terran too good at early game because they could produce marines twice as fast.
Re: What We Know So Far on the Latest public build! cant wait to see the new nomad. is that the new sc2 bnet interface? im expecting some animation / cinematic background on the interface. ^^
Re: What We Know So Far on the Latest public build! nop thats just an animated background showing i think a hall in the Battlecruiser Hypirion, there is some animation, sparks lights over the floor that point the way about, movement etc... of course there will be animation in all inerface especially the main, there has been for SC1 10 years ago why not now!
Umm.... the thing about the Reactor increasing your queue to 10 is incorrect. Your queue is still 5 but it produces two units in the same time period for double the cost.
are you sure cause i read it in more than 2 sites!?? :-\ i didnt like that eather, i hope its not true, cause that will only make the quee bigger no point there, if its is tru at least they should make it to digreese Unit production time to half
I'm almost 100% sure. It's just worded incorrectly. You DO have an extended queue, but you have a queue for the Barracks and then a queue at the reactor. You can produce two at once.
so it changed somehow right? you mean now you have to click the reactor and then the marine icon there too? ??? this is how originaly was...isnt this way anymore? [img width=500 height=368][/img] [img width=500 height=368][/img] [img width=500 height=368][/img]
Look at your screens of the Barracks. The Reactor add-on is what allows for two units to be under construction at once. As you click the Marine icon in the Barracks, it divides the units between the queues.
yea look what am i telling above..i am asking if this is NOW as it WAS in terran gameplay video! i dont know if this is still exactly how it works right now, rumors are been allver different forums i am confused some people said that some other... i repeat those screenshots are from the first terran gameplay video LONG ago... Edited out quotes. Please do not quote the entirety of the previous post. update: so that means its still that way?! phew :thumbup: tell that to the guys over sc2armory they are gone crazy!
When Jon says "queue for the Reactor" he means that the Reactor opens up a second queue in the Barracks, not that you produce units with the Reactor.
SC2Armory was not at this press event. They don't know what they're talking about. You can queue a second unit from the Barracks. They build at the same time. I have an intense craving to play SC2 right now. It's a burning desire. I'm telling you guys, the game ROCKS.
lol ;D ;D ;D i havent play it but i know Exactly how you feel!( i am watching the videos again, and again, and again....) there was no Way to "steal" the game folder?any security on that point? i mean they dont allow memmory sticks, cell phones with BIG sdrams ???taking any screenshots away??? what did they tell you?
they probably had those scanner things and security guards checking you before you can enter...probably only cameras were
No scanners.. and they allowed cameras. But you think I would risk the wrath of Blizzard? Lawsuit??? Nah, I will respect their rules.
i quess they propably recorded the all room so if anything reaches internet and they have missed it, they will run the tape and found out who "borrowed" the build and attack it with an Lawsuit in Ultralisk size
ooppss, ok. well then im expecting a lot of uver awesome animation and cinematic in the background on the main and sub menu interface. ^^