personally, i think the new units (WOO) make up, sc2 with the exception with few units first, i cant imagine sc2 without seige tanks, marines, battlecruiser (for terran), reavers, dark templars, high templars, zealots, dragoons, carriers, and both archons (protoss) *zerg isnt out yet so its out of the subject* they took out dragoons and reavers. also, merged the both archons into one
arbitors were down right CHEAP! i hate it when my brother gets assload of carriers and arbitors and few observers to attack me... he always kill my science vessel gamers wont use them often they use it lately in the game, but many medium players use arbitors
SC2, reaper, colossus, phase prism, banshee, siege tank, marine, zealot, high templar, warp ray to name a few
I use arbiters as a means of transport rather than the shuttle. But they take a lot of time and resources to build so I don't use them often. I think what made SC2, SC2 was the new units like the thor and the MS.
Siege Tank, Marine, Ghost, BattleCruiser, Zergling, Hidralisk, Mutalisk, Zealot, Carrier, High Templar.
None. Starcraft 2 Should be very similar to starcraft 1. just better grapics new names and differnt upgrades. I really dont think its the units that make the game at all. its really the new map depth and the ability to climb cliffs so sure i guess the cliff climbers make SC2 SC2. Zerg should have Jumpers or possibly burrow movers to go over cliffs or i should say under.
I don't think any unit can be said to "make" SC2. No single unit contributes to the game to the point that it would be inconceivable for it to be removed without destroying the game. I would say that it is the new mechanics that the units use, the changes to the interface, and the Blizzard polish that is applied to everything involved that will "make" the game what it is.
so far all the units in sc2 make it look very sc2 alto theres alot of units that should get a very differnt look like the dragoon becoming the immotal. that was a great upgrade. but old out dated units needs to go. like the freaking wraith or zerg queen. units like thies need to either be changed up with a new look like the dragoon or be removed. I'm personaly all for a hole new look to sc2. and if losing ur favori unit is a problem oh well dont buy the game.