How do I combat terran ghosts using EMP? High templar with feedback? Could I actually stop ghosts? Or is emp range too long? High temps are so slow it seems like it would be difficult to feedback ghosts that are launching long range EMPs. And high temps is teching pretty far out of the way. I would have to give up teching early air and getting obs and immortals in play. Is there any other effective counter? EMP seems so ridiculously powerful, leaving most of my units at 0 shields and making immortals(and dark templar, since EMP reveals cloak now) fairly useless. Not to mention drains energy from sentrys and high temps.
Feedback has longer ranger than EMP by almost 2 range. It's very good against Ghosts (if you can see them).
Feedback is a very common counter for ghosts in high level end games - they tech up HTs anyway because they need to psi storm large MMM armies.
Make sure you have some Observers around your bases/armies and some HT's in reserve so they can easily wipe out Ghost's to stop EMP'ing you.
yeah, feedback is the most direct counter. there's some more roundabout strategies, though... 1. hallucination. hallucinated high templar, archons, immortals, or other high-value EMP targets as decoys. 2. dark templar for assassination. probably won't work, since by the time they get ghosts they probably have a raven, and almost definitely have scan. 3. pick up the ghosts with phoenixes. if they're together with a tight M&M&M ball (highly likely), that would be pretty tough. so yeah, feedback is your best option.