what shadowangel class would you pick

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Sep 27, 2008.


what HotU class'd you pick?

  1. lesser avatar

  2. death knight

  3. sergeant

  4. experimental subject

  5. war mage

  6. warlock

    0 vote(s)

what shadowangel class would you pick

Discussion in 'Space Junk' started by ijffdrie, Sep 27, 2008.

  1. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i was inspired from making birthday threads, so i made a third one

    state which shadowangel class(see the shadowangel HotU thread for more information) you'd choose and why

    1. The Lesser Avatar(mostly melee) is the most active class in the game, their powers stemming from teh ancient elemental spirits, their abilities can be used, or in many cases, cause a movement. some of their attacks include: Fel fire discs: the caster starts spinning around, hitting all targets around him, while charging a flame at the tip of his weapon(s), and releasing the thus created fire disc after a few seconds
      lightning spin: Character Jumps at a target location and charging the ground with lightning as he lands, damaging all enemies around him.
      whirlweapon: Can only be used whiole moving, the characters charges kinetic energy around his weapon as he moves, and releasing it to create a massive gust of wind, blowing all enemies away
    2. The Death Knight(mostly melee) is a collector of rare artifacts whose attacks come mostly from his equipment. they are the only class capable of equipping every single piece of weapon and armor in the game and have can switch their weapons and armor at any time. this class is a tank with a few strong ranged attacks that do extra damage against heavy targets and buildings. some of the attacks include:
      energy release: (given by a number of melee energy weapons): fires 1 energy bolt/second for a 6 seconds, dealing all energy bonus damage provided by teh weapon to hit enemies, but removes the bonus energy damage from the weapon after teh spell was used for ten seconds
      elemental slam: (provided by most weapons with bonus damage): uses all strength available to hit the enemy with your weapon, giving the opponent a debuff(or debuffs) depending on the kind of bonus damage i.e.: stun(electricity) burn(fire) frozen(water)
    3. The Sergeant(ranged unit) is a unit taht comes in with a handy support team, support abilities and the ability to get some damn fine guns. This unit is capable of making and driving machinery(the other classes only get to drive around during certain missions). This unit can get more support units as he levels up, up to a glorious total of 8. some of his abilities include:
      power shot: Character loads a special kind of ammunition(carried in bag) to fire a shot with special properties
      calling in the thunder: character drops a locator beacon on the ground, giving any nearby bases and/or spaceships an area to attack(effect differs in different areas)
    4. The War Mage(caster) The warmage is your good old fashioned MMO mage, capable of casting several elemental spells, having a low casting time, high damage but low HP, we included this class to attract people who are already playing MMO's. there are several classic spells that return in every single game universe, as well as a few new ones, here is a sample:
      Fire bolt; fires a bolt of fire, that gives the enemy a burn and does direct damage
      earthquake: shakes the earth around the target, slwoing him down and dealing damage
      lightning: fires a spray of ligthning attacks from the hands dealing massive damage
    5. The Warlock(caster) is a magician trained by the demon lords of the seven free cities and have sacrificed their very souls to gain their incredible strength. In game the warlock is a caster that relies upon his surroundings to give him an edge in battle, and he can create runes to empower his spells. his abilities include:
      storm rune: creates a storm rune on the ground, making floating above it possible, also grants a storm charge to all nearby warlocks
      eye of the storm: requires one storm charge, blasts all nearby enemies in random direction and does massive damage to a single random enemy
      4 star strike: requires any 4 charges, drains mana from all surrounding enemies and objects and releases i as damage towards an area
    6. The Experimental Subject(ranged) is a dangerous hybrid of cyborg implaments, magical charges, controlled biological mutations and nanotechnology, granting him temporary speed enhancers, superior reflexes and nanorepair bots, but all at a cost. some of his abilities include:
      nano sentry: releases a few nanobots that allow you to scout the enemy base undetected
      trance: increases block and evasion rate to 99% for ten seconds at the cost of a total mobility loss for those second
      nano-heal: heals all hp and 75% of the block points(instead of getting hit in this game, you mostly block, only like 5% of your hit points is actual life, the rest of the attacks are blocked) of 5 nearby allies, at the cost of losing all of your own block points untill the nano-bots return(roughly 5 seconds)
    Last edited: Sep 27, 2008
  2. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    Do I need to say what and why? Thought so
  3. Light

    Light Guest

    Give the descriptions here first, geez
  4. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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  5. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    Light is lazy so i updated the first post
  6. Light

    Light Guest

    lesser avatar because it reminds me of my elemental paladin concept :3 awesome classes tho
  7. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    England, United Kingdom
    I would be a Death Knight :>