this guy has a lot of ultimate red mage requirements, what more does he need(except all 461 pokemon) "Red Mage, I am trying to become the ultimate Red Mage. Would you please tell me how close I am? (Because, of course, YOU are the ultimate Red Mage). I can cast both White and Black Magic. I can wield two swords with as much skill as Fighter himself (Oh yes, and I'm Ambidextrous). I can ALMOST rob Thief himself, and I can grapple with the best of them. I have mastered the Shadow Sword, I can jump REALLY high, I'm the new bearer of the Legend Sword, I can Call, I have learned Meteo, I can change classes at will (even though I, of course, always stay as Red's just darn cool that I could change if I wanted to), I can cast Blue Magic, I know how to perfectly pilot Magitek armor, I know every single Limit Break (INCLUDING "CHAOS" BABY!!!!!), I know Trance, I have every single Materia mastered, I know how to Draw spells (and I have them all Drawn), and I can level up in that weird FFX way. Never did quite make sense to me though...When I'm at full health, I can shoot laser beams out of my sword...I have Super Strength, Super Speed, I can fly, I have a jazillion different Utilities on a really COOL Utility Belt, I have web-shooters, I can cling on walls, my skeleton's made of Adamantium, I have cool claws that shoot out of my hands, I have a fast healing rate, I can take other people's powers if I touch them, I can shoot beams out of my eyes, I can change items into pure energy, I can shoot energy out of my hands, I can cast Sorcerer, Wizard, AND Cleric spells, I have ALL 251 Pokemon (yes, I have CELEBI!), I have every single Yu-Gi-Oh! card, and every single Pokemon card, and every single Digimon card, and every single Magic The Gathering card, and ever single Digimon D-Tector card, and I have a Rookie-level Digimon partner who's A attack is a Fire Technique, B attack an Ice Technique, and his C attack is, of course, Defend. It belongs to no Family, and its Attribute is Variable, and he can Digivolve to any Champion Digimon, who can Digivolve to any Ultimate, etc...Oh, AND, I have my Mom's 20% discount at Wal-Mart! Am *I* the ultimate Red Mage?! And, if I'm not, what would I have to do to BECOME the ultimate Red Mage? Oh, and I have all the Harry Potter cards and a couple of the 3rd Edition D&D books... Your fellow Red Mage(aspiring to be the Ultimate Red Mage), Jake Solo"
Eh. But I like having Snipers for their abilities, then slapping on the Archer A Abilities. Boost and Double Shot... oh wow.