Alright heres my 3rd post. I just joined and I was wondering? What mechanics will you apply There are a vass majority of mechanics such as being able to blink or protoss colausus (spelling) scaling cliffs. The new minerals, rocks, or one of my favorites the new fog of war through bushes. I want to lift off my terran CC and be able to float over to a expansion with rocks blocking off the early game. (As they did in the battle report) Thanks as always!
Anything and everything the terrans can do i will do it. There wont be anything i explore. I think my biggest thing will be using command centers as walls and making PF with supply Depot as the door. I wanna block choke points and cause the person to panic. Or even the nukes. theres no more warning except your base is under attack. thats gonna be a real laugh.
The mechanics that I can't wait to try out are: Warp-in. This is the mechanic that sells the Protoss. You can do so many things with it. I'm sure pros will do some ridiculous maneuvers that we haven't thought of at the moment. Creep. Like Warp-in, this is the mechanic that sells the Zerg. 30% speed increase to all ground units (minus the drone). Overlord laying creep-carpet on key spots is gonna be a major key component for the Zergs. Supply Depot - I'm surprised that no one actually talks about the ability to submerge with the Supply Depot. But this is actually a very amazing mechanic. You can wall up extremely easy now. On top of that, you can build a semi-wall around your command centre or your base to block off intruders if they manage to break in your base while your units hide behind the supply depot. Put Bunker, Siege Tanks, Marines, Marauders, heck everything behind the supply depot near your command center and fire at will when your enemy charges in. Once you fend it off, you can submerge the supply depot and out you go.
Glad you brought that up Ych, I am suprised as well no one talks about that. Ya the warp in obviously sells the toss. I cant wait.
I'd want to lift off my CC with the 5 scvs and land it on top of the rock blocked expansion asap while the enemy spends a few minutes going wtf!!!
Zerg: I wanna go ape with nydas worms Terran: I want to ninja nade the enemies economy with my reapers.. Protoss: Warp in DT's with ye olde phase prism at the back of an enemies base
That Pylon thing would never work. People will already backstab you if you build a Pylon in their base, thinking it will be used to power a Photon Cannon backstab. With Warp-In, you'll only be able to get away with building in the bases of good friends.
A Warp Prism or a Pylon. Either way- people will get nervous about that kind of thing before too long.