Watch this replay and look the chat that is going on here. I mean its kinda ridiculous. Rather than do an opener, the guy is really concerned about telling me about "minecraft." Its stupid but I got a laugh out of it and played a long. Oh and btw, I am a noob so don't look into my bad play
Yeah after watching the replay he was seriously just talking to me the entire time and NOT building his forces. Seemed like he just waanted someone to talk to lol And there was a point where I scanned his base and he went, "OH COME ON"..."Now you see I don't have a defense your gonna come and kill me." And he wouldn't surrender, he took a worker and built a pylon in a random spot and made me try to find it, and gave me "hints" along the way. The dude was odd lol
Interesting chat indeed. Too bad minecraft doesnt work on my laptop. I'll give you some pointers on your gameplay to help you out, since I notice you have a 29% w/l ratio. -use A-move: This'll let your units auto-attack anything they see when moving. I saw a few times where your units walked past his without attacking, like when you sent 3 banshees to the top right to attack the probes. They went right past them and didnt kill anything, your army killed them before you sent them back down. -push out sooner: you waited 20 minutes before leaving your natural. This gives players plenty of time to expo around the map, especially if they are a zerg player: we love having map control. You're army was ~140 supply when his was ~50 the entire match. -harass: you had banshees but never had them attack the mineral line. They aren't that great at normal combat for their cost(as you saw when you lost ~4 of them to some cannons and stalkers). You usually want to attack the enemy resource locations when you have 2-4 banshees produced. -scout: There's no reason to use scans early on since an SCV would do just as well. It's better to use a MULE with that energy for resourcing. The later scans on his base are permissible since you knew he had cannons at his entrance. tech lap: I notice you only produced 1 tank and never got tank siege. So, to save on resources it would have been better to lift off the factory when your first starport finished and land the starport on the lap to speed up banshee production. Thus is saves on resources and quickens banshee harass time. -expand faster: you should have placed a second base when you first scanned and saw he had cannons and no army. The cannons meant he was playing defensive and thus you could expand out with little risk of attack. -"[player name] has no base and is being revealed": when you killed his nexus, that hidden pylon was revealed on your minimap, so the map showed where it was without you having to look for it or scan for it. EDIT: missed one -unit composition: you want marine/marauder/banshee with your offensive units. This composition lacks good AA, since you didnt produce many marines. This is ok for against toss since most dont go heavy air except for void ray rush, but would be a problem against zerg or terran. You had 3 barracks, and should usually have a reactor on one of those for marine production. A group of mutas could've easily taken care of your army composition.
Thanks mate! Yeah, my w/l ratio blows hard. I tried to crash course SC II this past weekend, and needless to say, it didn't work lol But I'll definately keep your tips in mind!
If it makes you feel better, you've done about 4x more 1v1s than I have. I prefer playing team games, even if its just with randoms.