At the moment i've been using a usefull d templar attack but i need to know a better build order so that i can prevent rushes. If anyone could give me tips i'd be grateful
Well as much as I like to look at specific builds and they are fun to play with I find that if you forget about the build process for a minute and truly concentrate on the strategy of your plan I mean see it in your mind and think about as many details as you can for what you will need to achieve your plan. This way your mind set will allow you to build your own build order that you can tweak when practicing it. Once you have done this you won’t need to scour the Internet for any specific build order science. Plan your work then work your plan. Here are a few suggestions about your templar build. You have 2 choices for defense that early in the game, zealots or cannons. Being that the cannons can provide some air defense as well maybe those would be best. They will also be more expensive so you need to be pumping probes non-stop till you have saturated your minerals. That build will require both assimilators going as well. You have to have at least 1 gateway, forge and core quickly. Teching to Tier 3 very early in the game is risky unless you have a very solid defense at the choke point and your macro skillz are on point. You should also have some cannons on the side of your economy to help with any quick air assaults; this is especially true if there is another protoss player in the game. Remember you are teching with cannons as your only air defense if another protoss pulls a void ray rush with out cannons you are done. Once you can hold the fort with that you can push with your templar build. If you are playing with others make sure that they pick up the slack from you not have any army to place tier 1 pressure on your opponents with. As you are worried about the rush so should they I like to play against a hard or very hard AI when testing a new plan.
Thanks il try this cannon defense out and if it doesn't work il have to rethink my strategy or maybe even race