ONLINE GAMEPLAY! Period. That is what carries this game year after year--That's where we feel like were getting the most bucks for the bang. Forget single player campaings Blizzard, just focus all the energy into making the SCII online game experience the best it can be. But oh wait... there's plenty of time and resources devoted to single players campaings on just about all PC games....Yes, that is true but none of those games are SC! Just as a sidenote, I'm not as much into SC as I used to, but in the good old days Starcraft was the thing I most looked forward to and not once did I play much if any of the campaigns. But I guess that standard practice calls for campaigns (forget standard practice...are you a standard guy/gal?). In my opinion campaigns for this specific game is a waste of time. If you want to put campaings then do them online as well, DO EVERYTHING ONLINE. Seriously, if you spend hours playing single player campaigns then you are missing out on some serious quality time....that which can only happen online! No, wait, what? Ahh, yes, I mean this is definately not a perfect world Mr. Brown.
some ppl enjoy the single player tho. u cant leave those ppl out because they are interested in the story. so even tho multiplayer is the big thing starcraft has going for it, u cant just leave out the single player because alot of ppl enjoy it and are excited about the new campaign. so why not give the ppl who enjoy single player just as much enjoyment from it as the online experience? then once they finish the campaign they can go down for some good quality multiplayer fun. i do like the idea of a co-op online single player campaign tho aswell. but its fine the way it is.
Who doesn't want to play on LAN? - it's nice hanging out at cafes with your buddies playing against each other w.o hassle of connection problems and the need to stay connected by internet - you can freely express to them your emotions without typing it, smack them around for beating the hell out of your troops or taunt them to death for being losers for the "x" th time - seeing the face of your enemy gives you a competitive spirit to decimate them or atleast know who owned u - team play is much more powerful on LAN, proven by e-sports - LAN is only 3 letters I just like playing rts games on lan especially Brood war & WC3. DoTA is sucessful because of LAN. On a sidenote I think starcrafts popularity is as good as how multiplayer can be, imo of course.
There are many different aspects that make Starcraft just a great game and it is all these aspects that are done very well and come together to make it what it is in my opinion. The single player campaign mode has always been one of the best if not the best in RTS games by the characters, the variety of missions and environments, and the storytelling itself. Then you add to that fun and fast paced gameplay that is almost perfectly balanced and if you have a very polished and enjoyable experience. Finally you add a great mulitiplayer and community service with an editor that players can make their own custom content with and you basically have everything that makes a good game. So I believe it's not just one part of the game that stands out and makes it what it is but all of the parts coming together.
If Blizzard forgets the campaign, they lose half their fanbase. When it comes to StarCraft I, Blizzard says half the players didn't play online. Of course, with the new tutorials, AMM, Practice League, anti-smurfing features, and so forth, Blizzard hopes to fix this. Still, it would be foolish to ignore the campaign. One reason there's so much enthusiasm for the campaign is people have been waiting nearly eleven years for the storyline to continue. A lot of StarCraft II multiplayer fans would be perfectly happy to continue to play Brood War online.
Campaigns in rts games are just as important. How else would there be a backstory? 3 Weird races fighting over nothing would take half the fun out. If you don't want campaigns, play Sins of a Solar Empire. Great gameplay, but the whole vibe sucks. Same here.
The single player campaign is about as important to me as the multiplayer. Not just the actual playing through of the missions but witnessing the continuation of the story that I've been left hanging on a cliff with since 1998 and the continuation of the stories through the novels. Right now, I'm much more excited about the single player than the multiplayer because I can play StarCraft's single player all day. For the first few weeks to a few months after each product, I'lll be playing like mad online but the single-player will still be more important to me. It won't be until long after 2013 when there's no more story continuation in the single player that I'll even becoming close to "done" with the single-player. And, by "done", I mean not replaying it once a week or months or whatever. So, no, the multiplayer isn't the only thing that gets you value for your money. Besides, the mutliplayer and single player are being developed independently. It's that's holding the game back mostly. So what you're saying is already being done. What you're basically saying is that Blizzard should stop working on World Of WarCraft so that StarCraft II will be finished quicker and that statement is only given by the ignorant because they know nothing bout how Blizzard operates. Besides, who the hell is going to care about the races their playing without the campaign? How would you understand the mechanics, the story, the characters, the meaning, and all of those other important things that are necessary to enjoy StarCraft. You can't tell me you would enjoy playing the Protoss as much as you do if you hadn't played the campaign and understood what they are. I did this with WarCraft 3 and it wasn't nearly as enjoyable as when I finally played the campaign and understood the races. Who cares about the Undead if you haven't seen the events of Arthas? Who cares about the Zerg if you haven't seen the events of Kerrigan? t;dr: You've dropped the ball again, Deus. (Don't) Come Again! Also, "getting the most bucks for the bang"? Blizzard pays you money for playing StarCraft 2 to bang strippers now? I like this game better already
SC campaign and BW campaign were experiences that I liked so much. It is true that I played and replayed and replayed and replayed those campaigns. On I really like the UMS maps. They are my favorites. We all know that Blizzard is spending time right now on balancing the 3 races. Especially they are finalizing the solo campaign. And this one takes more time for Blizzard to accomplish. Where's the interest to spend so many time in developing a solo campaigh that can be finished in just ONE week-end ? Plus all the specifications for it will grow the loading of the game, its installation on the computer, etc .... I don't see personally any interest for Blizzard to do this. Most of the players like Starcraft and soon SC2 for the multiplayer games? But there are gamers LIKE ME who are just interested in the solo campaign. Of couse I will surely play SC2 UMS maps. But first of all I will turn myself to the solo maps. There is a vote on which we ask us what we will do once we get SC2 for the first time. Some propositions are play the solo or play the multi. Let's look on the results and we'll see the percentage of people who voted for one option and not another.
In polls asking what people will do first with StarCraft II, most say they'll beat the campaign and then go multiplayer. Most customers are interested in both. Blizzard would be stupid to drop one or the other.
Thanks for the answer Kimera757. Now our host has an answer that, I think, he didn't expect. Can't wait for the 30 missions of 'Wings of Liberty'. And can't wait for the 60 missions for 'Heart of the Swarm' and 'Legacy of the Void'.