What is happening?

Discussion in 'Forum Information, Questions and Feedback' started by Phoenix, Apr 22, 2010.

What is happening?

  1. Phoenix

    Phoenix New Member

    Feb 7, 2010
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    I have just gotten a beta key from Jon, in his Terran guide to galaxy, and i´m very glad for that, but after two matches i saw something strange.
    It looks like i share the beta key with someone, since when i click on my profile, i read Wolf.wolfby, while the name i have given myself is Phoenix.qulli.
    Also, there is matches with build orders i have never played, and it counts in my placement league?
    Do any know what is happening?

    Editing update: I just quitted the beta and reentered, now i have my own name, but have it also not counted in the two games i just played in placement. At last i got the extra practice :p
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2010
  2. Lobsterlegs

    Lobsterlegs Guest

    Woah, I checked there earlier today (checked there ASAP) and it wasn't there. Lucky you :)

    To answer your question:

    No, your account is not shared. The name and ladder problems you are facing is a bug/part of blizzards' reset program.
    A LOT of people have another name sometimes when they log in. Also they have no friends and they have to do placement matches is a common problem.

    Relogging a couple of times should fix that problem!

    EDIT: Where IS it :O
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 22, 2010