So psi storm was uber in sc1, but I attemped a psi storm drop 1 game. Dropped 2 Ht's on someone mineral patches, with +1 upgrade, 2 storms slightly spaced apart over massive amount of probes!! AND FRAKING NONE died!!! >=\ so wtf. What does storm not blow vs? Mass marines? Mass zerglings?
The only thing I use the storm against is Marine Maurader balls. It works wonder. Especially if you have charge on the zealots, this build (tons of zealots w/ charge+ high templar w/ storm) will eat terran infantry groups for breakfast, since their units are placked so tightly together. If you want to be even more effective, use the high templar's feedback on their medivacs. Not only does this take away all of their energy, making them useless for healing, but it also does a LOT of damage to them. Add that to the fact that the storms hurt them as well, and I've wiped out entire enemy armies while only losing a few zealots. Then I hit score screen when they surrender 2 seconds later. =P
Storms can decimate mass hydras that are off creep. I doubt it's all that effective against lings tho, and it prob works quite well to scare mutas away.
If you're good at placing them and trying to read the players mind, which mostly is fairly easy to do. Place it so they run right into it. Amazing for defending too.
i do know that storm is not good for air and mech units, i use a lot of them and storm is not a problem for me.
Yes storm works well for hydras. I was outnumbered one time and would of lost to hydras if it wasn't for storm.
So: Storm does not suck vs: many grouped lightly armored biological units? But how can it not mass murder workers? I don't get that..
I guess they made that so you couldn't just sneak 1 high temp into someone's base and completely destroy them by taking out all of their workers with 2 storms. It would prove to be very overpowered
1 storm isn't enough. The only thing 1 storm can do is kill zerglings. You'll need multiple storms to do significant damage.
Keep in mind that workers are auto-moving, so out of 1 storm about half will hit each worker which yeah will leave him at low hp but not dead. 2 storms on the same place on the other side is something to be afraid of. On my last match I was outnumbered by about double the army of hydras vs my few zealots+stalkers and 3 HTs hidden in a shuttle(or how's that new transport called, war prism or something ) dropped about 4-5 storms spread around the place and left almost the whole enemy army at below 20% free for my zealots to sweep clean. I can safely say that the 2 fights where I used storm meant the outcome was a win as the other guy was playing quite superior to me. In general: Storms are good against stuff that i)Doesn't move ultra-fast{so they're hard to avoid}, ii)is trapped/stuck, iii)has average hp, is bio and attacks in masses. If you can combine it with a few sentries and manage to trap an enemy between force fields and storm in there he's roast. I haven't done it though, and my APM isn't that good to be confident to do it successfuly at least on the first try, but it sounds like a good idea. Also against borrowed units. Drop 2 HTs above them and storm asap before they can unborrow.