First Raynor was confederate and fought KelMorian combine. Then Raynor fought Confederacy and helped Mengsk. Then Raynor fought UED and helped Kerrigan. Then he fought Kerrigan. Now he fights Mengsk. So what does he want?
A strong scotch and the company of a fine lady. Na, but seriously, I think he actually wanted to get away from the conflict riddling the galaxy and concern himself with smaller things. If I recall correctly, he currently run a small-ish merc group.
Raynor does what he believes is right, unfortunatly all those things he has fought for have turned around and stabbed him in the back So now he is a drunk wreck running a merc outfit, coz everything has ended up screwing him over and now he has to fight what he once believed in
Raynor was born on a Confederate world. If he was going to fight someone, it would be the Confederacy's enemies. He didn't know how bad the Confederacy was until actually going to war. There was nothing to indicate he hated the Combine; he just wanted to go to war while "young and foolish" and also "brimming with testosterone". Raynor only fought the Confederacy when they betrayed and then abandoned his people on Mar Sara. Raynor helped Kerrigan because he thought the UED was worse. He's an idiot. Upon realizing that Mengsk and Kerrigan are bad guys, he has opposed both. And that's what he was doing when Wings of Liberty starts.
But what does he want in the end? Country with no government? Everyone does what they want? Cause country with bad leader is better then country with no leader.
Raynor wants to get rid of 3 interplanetary factions, 1 alien species and set up diplomatic relationships with yet another.
Short answer: you're oversimplifying Raynor's decisions. Long Answer:
I think Raynor wants free and fair elections Actually Raynor isn't into rebelling in order to actually run things. He wants to take down the bad guy. Some of the previously released lore information for StarCraft II suggests this might be a bad idea though. While Mengsk is a bastard, he's more capable of defending the terrans than Raynor. Probably. Kaaraa, thanks for the salute. I wonder just how long that page will get once Wings of Liberty is released.
Thanks Kaaraa, I just got done reading that whole article. One thing to note that I thought was interesting is the direction blizzard seems to be taken with Kerrigan. Now it seems, despite her past atrocities, she may be the one hope of salvation against the impending doom possibly from the newly formed Xel'Naga (protoss/zerg hybrids). Knowing Jim, I think he would let go of his desire for revenge to save everyone else.
Personally I don't find that interesting, it'll just be BW again if she turns or any bad-girl-gone-good if she doesn't. Anyway, on topic it's ironic how Raynor screwed up the galaxy every time he lend his gun to someone, and now he's a gun-for-hire. It would make more sense if he realized he's too powerful and not intelligent enough to see the big picture and just became a pacifist. Or found someone like Mengsk with the power and ambition to rule but not an ***-hole. Perhaps he's preparing Matt for that? Anyway, I think it would be some nice twists in WoL if Raynor did indeed have some more clear anarchistic tendencies and perhaps Zeratul suffer from severe xenophobia. I mean he essentially just had to see the Hybrids to decide to kill them like the Zerg. Then Raynor being his forgiving self decides to defend the Hybrids or something, Zertul going on about how he've seen the future and how they're an insult to the Khala.