I'm not sure if this has ever been done before but since Blizzard is asking the community, I thought I might as well make this topic. I don't mean to spam or anything. I'll hopefully give my own list at a later date.
I would say an epic war in space where most of the vessels and ships are required. I want to see battles between carriers and battlecruisers. Let's see a new map in space ! Let's see epic battles in space.
After the sc2 logo have been on the screen for 2 seconds (after the report), "Beta-testing starting [two days after release of the battle report]" shows up. 3 player ffa all races high tech
I don't know if the title is misleading cause it's says "Battle report or BlizzCast" but as I tweeted in reply for DailySC I hope we don't see another Battle Report cause this will mean furthermore delay of Beta.. And I continued that I hope to hear in a BlizzCast the announcement of Beta..! That's all folks
What do you mean? What title is misleading? Discussing what you want in a BlizzCast is boring because they're never going to give you what you want. A Battle Report, however, can be fun to discuss especially since this particular forum is lacking in this area.
i want to see the zerg go into the late game hive tech and actually win >.>. no early game 9 pool zerg rush wins, i want a true honest late game win for zerg so we can see how good they can be.
re Large scale battles. I want to see dozens of Zerg/Human/Prtoss units vs dozens of other Zerg/Human/Protoss units. I want to see 100 Zerglings up against 20 or so Zealots and several Colossus and Stalkers and Immortals. I want to see a massive battle that includes both land and air units from both sides filling up the entire screen. In other words, I want to see an all out war.
BR I just want to see David Kim played as Z|erg, if he can't win the zerg then we have a balance problem. Don't you think?
Right. David Kim always won the battles he played. If he loses this time as a Zerg player that will mean that the balance is not solved yet. A battle Report is good in the point that we can see the untis in action and we can give our feedbacks. Indeed a Blizzcast can't help us more in sharing informations.
But battle reports are always fixed. Spells are sped up and a winner pre-determined. But they are there to show us unit abilities in certain contexts and not a fair fight. And in that context I want to see more tatical play. As in a little less showing off units and abilities and more showing off the macro and micro. And how it can be used and abused in SC2. That would really give us a closer idea of what a SC2 match would be like. And the kind of skill level we'll need to get at to be able to play SC2 on B.Net without losing 100 times over. Plues it would give us all tactics ideas too. That's what I'd mroe like to see.
We don't know that they're staged. It's just that a few people are suspicious of it. If they were staged to the extent people are saying then I think it would be more noticeable. Sure, it seems like they've been told to demonstrate certain units and abilities since each Battle Report has the players clinging to those units even if its not best but I don't think a winner is predetermined and each move is predetermined. Also, you won't need to be that skilled to win in StarCraft 2. You'll always be matched with players around your same skill level. If you feel you're behind, you can go into the practice league. The only problem will be the first few days as everyone gets up to the level they should be at.
I played again alone in custom maps. I played the Zerg and the AI was Protoss. I always lost most of the games !! Correct me if I am wrong, but the Zerg are very weak against Protoss In late games. When the AI built 5 scouts and 5 Carriers, my 20 mutalisks are ridiculously weak !! Yeah, I had to build scourges, hadn't done it.