What do you think the least commonly used units will be in StarCraft2?

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by ItzaHexGor, Mar 14, 2009.

What do you think the least commonly used units will be in StarCraft2?

  1. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Along similar lines to the other thread, but this time wondering which units will get the least look-in.

    Personally, I don't reckon there are many units that will be left out in StarCraft2. Even though only a select few will get a look-in each specific game, the number of combinations there are pretty much covers everything. That said, I'm sure as everyone gets familiar with it, certain units will become seen as being 'useless', just as Scouts and Valkyries were in StarCraft1.

    Keeping that in mind, there are only a couple of units which I'd declare 'useless' in StarCraft2.

    For Terran, the Ghost will still be seldom seen in my opinion.​

    Despite their extremely buffed damage, improved Nuclear Strike and Cloak, their Energy Radar and Psi Round do not serve enough of a purpose to make it useful. They'd work well together, but overall it's far less useful than Snipe. Not only can it only target High Templar, Dark Templar, Infesters, Queens and fellow Ghosts, but it can only kill two of those, being High Templar and Ghosts, in a single hit.

    For Protoss, there's nothing that particularly stands out. I would say the Colossus though, once the novelty of it wears off.​

    As we saw in the Battle Report, it's simply not worth its cost. It wasn't really at all effective, even when it had free reign in the enclosed expansion of the Terran. On top of that, it got absolutely minced by the Marauders.

    For Zerg, their core units seem fairly solid, though we haven't heard much about the Lurker, Swarm Guardian and Corrupter, but for me I don't see the spawning abilities being that useful, barring the Infested Marines.​

    The Changeling just seems bizarre. Its mechanics don't seem to work too well as a spy, and in my opinion simply improving Parasite would have been better. Then there's the Broodling, where, although the Swarm Guardian could be extremely useful, it doesn't seem to have much of a point other than taking up space.

    Then there's the problem with the Nydus Wyrm, which either seems overpowered or useless, and, chances are, won't make it into the final game.

    What do you think?
  2. Muncie16

    Muncie16 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    if you wernt an admin i'd say your mom. but since u are i'll say that it most likely will be nomad
  3. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    Colossus is the only one that stands out to me.
  4. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    @muncie16, its called the nighthawk now, and I think it will be used alot, as it is the terran's mobile detector and can create mines and turrets

    For terran, I see the ghost being rarely used. Other infantry units are better at attacking, while the ghost is mostly for sniping ability casters.

    For toss, it'll likely be the colussus, as its too costly for its low attacking power. For air units, I dont see the phoenix being used too much either except to anti-grav key units unless it gets overload back.

    For zerg, it'll likely be corrupters who will be the least used, as no one used devourers in sc1, even with it's acid ability.
  5. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    Awesome, I'm admin. I better let Jon and LK know.

    Personally, I see the Nomad/Nighthawk being extremely useful. Auto-Turrets look awesome for both offence and defence, as they don't have a timed life or anything, and Targeting Drones can increase the damage output of the Auto-Turrets and Bunkers by fifty percent. Targeting Drones don't have a timed life either, and with Spider Mines, they're no longer limited to three per Vulture, so, in my opinion, could be much more widely used.
  6. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Given how units will change, it's too early.

    Protoss: As things currently stand I think colossi won't be used much. They're not worth their cost. Of course Blizzard will change things around until they get it right. (We hope.)

    Immortal: Due to propaganda, not due to weaknesses in the unit itself. A lot of people think they're only useful vs siege tanks. (They're just really useful vs siege tanks.) They're also expensive and have a high psi cost.

    Mothership: Partly propaganda, partly because you can only have one, partly because it no longer seems exciting (IMO).

    Phoenix: Nerfed anti-ground effect, and unless it has a really high RoF its attack stats look pretty weak.

    Terran: Cannot think of a unit that won't be used much. Ghosts should have Snipe rather than Psi-Round, IMO, but nuke has been improved so much they might get used just for that anyway.

    Zerg: Queens, alas. You'll have a few so you can make Creep Tumors, though, and some play styles will heavily use Spawn Larvae.

    Lurkers. They're going from defensive to offensive, which is a little odd. They're like siege tanks that do a lot less damage (have to keep unburrowing/sieging them, then move them, then burrow/siege them).
  7. Gasmaskguy

    Gasmaskguy New Member

    Aug 3, 2007
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    If there's too little focus on air units, Hydras might stand in the Corruptors' way.

    As for Terran: The Reaper. Unless they can be devastating like a Reaver in a Shuttle while still being pretty early tech, they might get replaced by Medivac with Marines inside. It depends on where on the tech tree it ends up in the final build.
  8. cameronielsen

    cameronielsen New Member

    Jan 20, 2009
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    I disagree that the Colossus will be rarely used. The guy in the battle report was an idiot who abandoned his Colossi right into the army, and either didn't have enough support troops or didn't have enough Colossi to make them worthwhile. When people learn how to use colossi they'll realize their potential...
  9. ItzaHexGor

    ItzaHexGor Active Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    I disagree with that. The Colossus in the Battle Report was used exactly as it was intended to be used, to gain access to an otherwise inaccessible base, and wreak havoc to the undefended economy. It gained access to the inaccessible base, attacked the undefended economy, and managed to kill... How many SCV's? One? Seeing as the Terran player got his economy absolutely minced by the Zealots earlier on in the game as was still able to bounce back, I don't think taking out a single SCV is going to do much. In short, they can't do enough damage in a quick enough time to be worthwhile at the moment.

    Even when he had multiple Colossi, they didn't do much at all, and definitely weren't worth their cost in resources. Now if they need to be used in large numbers to be useful, that's impractical. It also goes back to them being a critical mass unit, which was discussed in another thread.

    @ GMG. Now that's a unit I'd forgotten about. Reapers are definitely at risk at being replaced by the Marine Medivac combo, with the Medivac ironically having been introduced to make the Reaper more viable.
  10. freedom23

    freedom23 New Member

    Aug 8, 2007
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    Zerg: Baneling ---- it might just be me but throughout all gameplays ive seen, zerg players have spent almost a fortune just to waste it on a unit that only has a small percentage of doing successful attacks against its enemies, there was this gameplay where the zerg player got addicted using them and used it as a tactic to run through the base in zergling mode and transform to baneling and blast whatever he can.... actually it couldve been a good tactic if it werent for that good defensive terran player... other than that situation, i just couldnt visualize the baneling as doing something worth dying for... lol (just my opinion)
    Unit Rating 4/10

    Changeling ---- lol, the sound of the unit itself is a joke.... well we did lose the detecting capabilities of the zerg but then again, a zerg player has always been the best team when it comes to production and this unit just wants to place itself as a future james bond wannabe, and that idea of spying and infiltration doesnt seen ti fit well with zerg style, though it might seem useful in missions story-wise, the unit will only waste zerg roster ultimately... its usefulness will not be the one that youll benefit an entire game unlike SC1 spawn broodlings,.
    Unit Rating 5/10

    Terran: Thor ---- its big its tough and its bad, as in enigmatically bad.... this unit has been a question since its 1st appearance from the unit features, the thor has been a unit of concern that totally doesnt know where he will place himself... (is this the human answer for zerg/protoss problems?? a mighty bulky scrap steel??) we were all 1st fooled of how flashy this unit presented itself doing the bombardment skill and being huge, but in the long run people got enlightened of its mirror like trait with the siege tank and afterwards turned out as the most unit of wonder in the universe of starcraft
    Unit Rating 2/10

    Missile Torpedo BC - i cant recall if a player needs to upgrade those 3 different skills for the BC but anyway the thing is theres only minimal threats for BC in the air besides the muta spams and void rays which kinda doesnt happen a lot, compared to the Def Matrix BC and Yamato BC, this MT BC gets a little less shine but still serves as good capital ship...
    Unit Rating 5/10

    *Mules??? - can these guys do other stuffs other than create traffic along the harvest lines?

    Protoss: Void Ray ---- The only reason a player will be using these guys are either if they want to counter some tough units w/c are very limited in the game, or either if they want to make quick of an enemies base with the laser show, which could also be done by the carrier with style and power... my only concern is the units cost and availability since this unit is somewhat in the mid tier level, it might be not so bad afterall getting a bunch of these compared to waiting for late tier units.... Overall i think theyre not that bad but they only serve little purpose for protoss imo
    Unit Rating 6.5/10

    Phoenix - Yes the phoenix even if its the 1st available air fighter for the protoss, it just gets outclassed by the visuals and propaganda achievements of the colossus & mothership, at the end of the day people want to play for fun and they definitely want to see how unique the colossus is,, the only reason the colossus was taken down easily is due to the fact that the player tends to misuse the unit, and these are the kinds of unit that u dont want to put to waste, its also quite the same case with the MS, anyway back to the phoenix one day this unit will be reborn or revamped and in that day may it rise to glory and claim his purpose well...
    Unit Rating 5/10

    Overall i think there is only little to say about each unit coz most of them sometimes are a counter unit and basically it means that some are used with a purpose and that is one big factor that answers a units overall necessity and importance.
  11. ijffdrie

    ijffdrie Lord of Spam

    Aug 23, 2007
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    i ahve not heard of the changeling? what kind of unit is it?(name sounds lame)
  12. overmind

    overmind Active Member

    Jun 7, 2007
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    It's a timed life spawn of the overseer, when it approaches an enemy building or unit it gains the appearance of the tier 1 unit of that race.
  13. Muncie16

    Muncie16 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    well i chose the nomad because it looks ugly so i dunno if they have changed the look of it. but i didn't know it detected units now that changes everything. because to build a unit to just build turrets and mines u might as well drop an scv and a vulture if they still have em.

    I'll change my my unit then. I think the SCV will be the least used in sc2 lmao hahaha
  14. EonMaster

    EonMaster Eeveelution Master

    Oct 9, 2007
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    here you go muncie

  15. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Good gracious me Muncie, its useless saying that the Nomad is the most useless even though the model and name has been changed. Eon has been telling you this before
  16. Muncie16

    Muncie16 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    thanks! that looks much better! i'm definatly going to run people show with that mofo!
  17. Muncie16

    Muncie16 New Member

    Jan 15, 2009
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    probabbly infested terran again. if u still have to infest a Command center to build the bastards there is no way people will use em. SC1 i never saw once in 8+ years of sc playing someone use infested terran against me.
  18. Space Pirate Rojo

    Space Pirate Rojo New Member

    Jun 3, 2007
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    Canada, eh?
    Actually Infested Terran are made from any building that's been vomited on long enough from an Infestor.
  19. Kimera757

    Kimera757 New Member

    Feb 23, 2008
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    Not any longer, Space Pirates. As of BlizzCon 2008 infestors simply spawn infested marines/infested terrans. No, it doesn't make sense, it's probably a stopgap measure.
  20. darklordjac

    darklordjac New Member

    Jan 17, 2009
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    ok probes scvs and drones will never be used.