Most of my games end in gg, sometimes, it is rather entertaining. What happens in your games? I think maybe I am too nice and talkative in my games as I don't really see much else besides gg, what have you seen?
Well, I think in a team of say, 4 players, you usually get 1 or 2 guys willing to talk and the rest play silent. Too much early chatter distracts you but I do think the team should communicate, so I encourage the talkers. I do hate players that critisize their own teammates. Or start the game with a remark like "I hope you guys don't suck as much as the last bunch of losers!". The former just breaks down teamwork (I've seen allies actually attack each other before because they got so worked up), and the latter just tells me "I think I'm Gods Gift to Starcraft and All My Many Losses are Due to My Teammates and Never My Fault." (seriously, if you're going to spend all your time complaining about your teammates, go play 1v1)
I usually keep chat to a minimum in 1v1 games. Of course I do the standard "glhf" at the beginning and "gg" when the game is over but other than that it's usually dead silent. Obviously more talk goes on in team games, but still mostly silent between my team and the opposing team.
Win or lose: If I felt the game was not close, I just leave. If I felt the game was close, I say, "well played" Other than that I usually don't say anything.
I've gotten replies from all over the spectrum. Everything from "GG" to "omfg stupid no0b get some skillz! u think ur go0d ccus you can mass mutas well ther op as hell. stupid noob get some skills" I like the ones from the latter because it gives me an excuse to be a douche. WAAAIT! GGurface? The commentator? We got a semi-celebrety right hurr.
I always say glhf and end the game with gg, and i tend to praise everyone that makes a good move and i never critizise someone, my team or the other. Also, i started in bronze league and everyone talked and were nice people and as i improved and got to silver league i noticed that less people talked and said gg and other stuff, and now in diamond, no one talks. its so more competitive, i still talk but i rarely get an answer gp
I burnt out of competitive play a bit during beta, so I play a lot of 2v2 LT customs. I don't get whispers very often, but recently I got a whisper after the game to 1v1 someone if I thought I was good. The funny thing is right before the start of the game I checked their profiles and said "oh great" and when asked why let them know I was just wanting to mess around and not play serious (both were diamond ranked, which sort of forcludes messing around if you want a decent game). And yet this doofus still was trying to challenge me to a 1v1 after....I wondered what part of "relax" he could not understand :wacko: edit: equally annoying, I once got a series of tells from someone wanting to 2v2 with me after I beat them. I wasn't feeling all into the team/arranged 2v2 mode and told the guy no, but he seriously would not drop it. No means no dammit
haha that's pretty funny...although the F*** you statement should be taken as a compliment since you must have murdered them pretty badly.
Most people tell me Zerg is imba or banlings are OP I really cant express the stupidity of those comments in the space allowed here but I hope you guys understand the stupid stuff people will say when they are mad they got outsmarted
I was called a turtling ***got when I had full map control, three expansions, and almost had a contain on a Protoss before rolling in my dropships and Vikings.
I'm usually quite kind on all games(appart from 4 games in a row where I got photon rushed and lost 4 times in a row and was so frustrated at myself at sucking so much that I left the last 3 games without a gg) I'll wish gl/hf/gg and add some smiley face sometimes and am up for some chitchat like where the other player is from etc. When I feel a game is really close and the other guy feels like he's both around my calibur and didn't bm in chat I'll PM them after the game and ask if they're up for training matches. Though yeah some matches end in funny ways, here's a couple: -After a game that lasted ~13-15min where I made 3 void rays somewhere at the end of the game seeing my enemy had almost no anti-air and ended the match in a quite one-sided way, my opponent said something in the lines of "ah, crap, cheesy void rays" and left, but it seemed like he'd just heared the term somewhere as when I PMed him later and explained it he said thanks and I gave him urls for the TL forums and this one -Another time I tried to cannon rush myself to try out how it's done and recieved some serious bm from the guy I cheesed(and I can say that after losing those 4-in-a-streak games to cannon rushes without improving my play even though I scouted the 3 last ones in time, lol, I can understand him if it happened a lot to him too ) -And last I played a few days ago against some guy and the match was quite nice we seemed to be at equal levels of play and though I won with a seemingly overwhelming force a little better timed response would have easily turned the tables, so because I liked the match I PMed the guy to ask if he wanted to do some training matches together since we're apparently at similar skill levels and he mocked me(he was rank1 silver and I was like rank 40 bronze or so). Generally I've been quite lucky though and haven't had much bm and get on well with most people I play against. Appart from very few exceptions my games seem to be against good mannered people and some seem to be in a mood to chat too. I don't mind chatting and despite taking attention away from the game it's not like a tournament, we're playing to have fun in the end. Oh well... Btw, yeah we has a celebrity! I didn't connect the forum name with the caster name lolz! Hi GGU, give us more boxer and genius, bro!
I typically don't talk too much in 1v1, but if I'm in the mood I like a little polite chatter... and if a lol moment occurs I'll comment on it. One time in 2v2 my friend and I won after a long and harrowing match, and as we were routing our opponent's base he said "it wasn't anything you did". Which is a rather baffling statement. I didn't mind though because if gave me an excuse to be a complete tool in return. StarCraft II definitely has it's share of sore losers.
Idd, but tbh it feels like the starcraft community is way better than many other gaming communities around. There's more people that care for a good game rather than just a win no matter what and that contributes a good way to creating a good and helpful community.
Maybe it's only my perception but it feels as if gl hf and gg (esp. gg) are not used as much. I always wish gl hf and quite often people don't answer. And I would even say most people don't gg when they are losing or don't gg back, when I say gg when I am losing. I'm somewhat surprised.
Most players just quit, some say GG 2 have been very abusive to me and my family and are now both banned (thanks Blizzard) some try to talk smack, some just whine