First and foremost, this is why I hate playing 4 player maps on 1 v 1. It took me a hell of a long time to find the terran's base. As a zerg I had zerglings rushing out to every mineral field but was unable to find his base until my overlord scouted him. When I finally saw him, I guess it was too late because he had too many anti air cannons that would hinder all of my units and a bunch of battlecruisers. As a new zerg player who has never played starcraft. I followed the advice of other users on this forum such as expanding to starve them out. However, I don't know why but I still got raped by battlecruisers and stuff like that. Is it because of my macro? If so, what can I do to improve my macromanagement skills?
I'm a new player to SC2 myself, but I noticed a few things. The most important thing I noticed was that you constantly had well over 1k, 2k, and at one point 3k resources. Why not use this to your advantage? You could have easily created enough units to starve him or prevent him from making any kind of drop on you. I didn't watch the whole replay due to time constraints, but wanted to point that out. I also noticed that whenever you built mutas, you sent them in groups 5 or less (at least from the parts I saw). You should have built a larger number of them or tossed some broodlords into the mix. The moment he lifted off and stopped mining to float to the corner was the moment you took a tremendous lead in resources and structures. Why didn't you surround his island with overlords? Or toss a ling at key points of his base so you knew when he was coming? Sorry if later you did do that, but like I said, I didn't watch the whole replay. I wanted to put in my two cents for the parts I did see.
I couldn't surround his island with overlords due to the fact that it was covered with anti air turrets and I couldn't get any ground units over due to the fact that its an island and not accessible by ground units. However, I am aware of the fact that my resources built up way too fast and I really don't have a solution because sometimes when I go to build a lot of units, I get supply locked. To prevent this should I just keep making overlords until ~120 food then just spam to create mutalisks?
you guys need to keep putting pressure on your opponent, turtling in your base is not the answer. pressure prevents them teching stupid things like BattleCruisers because they need to spend money on defending against you. when you are zerg, this is much easier, to keep the pressure going, roaches are good for this, then mutas to harass his economy and then hydras+raoches to finish him off.
Thats kind of hard when his stuff is on an island and I can't get any overlord transports over there due to missile turrets...
You were in a very strange position at that point, to say the least... I would have probably gone for brood lords and mutalisks if it was my game. Brood Lords can attack towers without taking any hits. They take out the towers- mutalisks take out the base. If you want more anti-air support, have corruptors ready and waiting. Also, expand to about 3 bases, one of them being gold. (4 leaves you with too little food, 3 provides an excellent advantage against a 1 base player) As long as you rule the skies you have nothing to fear from a terran turtled on an island.
as you are playing zerg you need to know one thing early expadning is what zerg do, this means they can make more units and mine more. now since he is in a small space surround himwith overlords (outside of range) and build hydras putting them around the island, nydus worming is a good option at that point (just north of the island was ahigh ground area to start nydusing from then move up to brood lords. also keep expanding you had way to much money and no way to spend it build another hatch and another queen to make sure you can make more units. and although they are pretty safe on their island they are also limited to 3 unit producing structure and about 150 food or so due to the size. this means you can replenish you bigger army quicker than he can so losses matter less. at the end you can see that he just has no ability to get mins or produce units so you did a good job of starving him