“Your conscience may force you to vote Democrat, but secretly you long for a cold-hearted Republican to lower taxes, brutalize criminals, lock up the homeless, give you free chicken, and get rid of the folks who are a pain for us, we mean, you.” ~ The Republican Party motto “Poor people?! That just be lies by liberals like global warming and 'the rest of the world.'” ~ The Republican Party on poverty “The Democrats want to turn the US into a Commie police state! Look at how well we've secured your freedom.” ~ The Republican Party on unending red scare “Really stupid people.” ~ Captain Obvious on Republican Party “Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!” ~ A Republican on Life “Oooh, look at me! I'm a Democrat! I know how to read and care about people! I don't believe in the Kingdom of the USA!” ~ The Republican Party on its election campaign
Its pretty obvious that its BLUE!! just like the rest of the human insides. BLUE I TELLS YOU, BLUYYdhjcf8df8d
Bone marrow makes red blood cells, so it makes sense if it is red. However, I'm not sure, because I have never seen any bone marrow.
actually bone marrow is white, which is a combination of all colors, which can be represented through teh base colors so Meee is right
Oh. I thought it turned sort of, Crimsony Brownish? Cause, I've got a little thing I do, when eating Ribs and whatnot, I like to chip away / crack open the bones and get at the marrow. It's delicious. And when I crack it open, it's always a combination of dark red and brown. Unless that's not bone marrow I'm eating. D:
According to what I know, there are two types of bone marrow in humans: red marrow and yellow marrow. I don't know if they are actually red and yellow in color, but I suspect they are.
I'll decide to be smart for this one. There's two types, red marrow and yellow marrow. One makes makes blood cells and jazz and the other one supports the bone while making it light. I forgot which one does what
red makes blood cells and is in the end of the bone, yellow in the length of it. but let me guess, you were just thinking of one and we should of known thats what you meant? LUL SUBTLEY!