which 8-bit classes would you pick? see the poll that i am working on this is my second birthday thread i pick black mage and thief, I could steal everything that i want and destroy everything that i dont want
Got it wrong If you're doing 8bit classes, then it's either Red/Black Wizard or Mime/Blue Mage So my pick is RW/Mime, Lots of versatility with spells and if I can't cast something I can mime/fake/animal husbandry it
actually i did it this way on purpose, so that the people who havent read it more tehn one time, can still pick and it are 8-bit classes, not FF classes
Dragoon and Monk Black Belt. And I'm sure all these classes were introduced in Final Fantasy, which 8-Bit is obviously based on.
Rogue, ranger, cleric, berserker, mimic, blue wizard and Dragoon weren't in FFI Actually, I don't recall Rogue, Cleric and Blue Wizard being in any FF game, but I wouldn't be surprised if any of them were in FF XI or tactics