What are the latest changes on the Thor?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Feb 10, 2008.

What are the latest changes on the Thor?

Discussion in 'Terran' started by DKutrovsky, Feb 10, 2008.

  1. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I guess i miseed it, but whats the Thor like right now?

    Last i remember he was going to be good Anti air, normal turning speed and had the "2 lives".
  2. Light

    Light Guest

    That's right, just now it has no air attack at all. Its also smaller, but it has been so for a while now.

    It is possible it has its artillery strike back and more damage with the arm cannons, but its not clear and these are just speculations. So perhaps not.

    IMO, the unit is awful, nothing like the original model. They have just nerfed it even more.

    Quote from Q&A 28-
  3. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    It seems blizzard doesnt really know where to go with the Thor right now.

    I have a feeling they will put it in the factory at the end, since there doesnt seem to be a needed unit in the factory's 3rd slot. Im not quite sure what they will make it in, although i think that he should keep his GtA attack.

    I'll think of some ideas for the Thor later today i have some things in my head.
  4. Light

    Light Guest

    All I feel (or fear :p) is that they will just make the Thor something like a big Goliath without the air attack. Well that's basically what it is now.
  5. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    "In the current build, the Thors role has been changed to exclusively hit ground units, putting the transforming Viking back in the primary role as an air to air fighter."
    The thor never was and air to air fighter. Also, if the Thor could hit air, would it make it the primary anti-air unit? I don't think so...

    Blizzard really needs to take a break from all the programming and needs to just sit down at a table and discuss what they want because tossing the Thor around like that doesn't lead anywhere. I'm beginning to think that they fell in love with its appearance but could never put it anywhere in the tech-tree or place it among the existing units.
  6. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Everyone was very pleased on the orginal Thor that went as followed:
    Its primary attack hit ground and air.
    Becomes ''immobile'' after first set of hit points have deminished
    Built on the battlefield from an SCV
    Big and slow.

    Now I'd like ther Thor to return to those earlier stats and instead of the Bombardment cannons, give them long range GtA missles.
  7. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Let's just hope that the fact that they aren't getting anywhere with the Thor means they're making some big leaps for Zerg. ;D
  8. kuvasz

    kuvasz Corrections Officer

    Jul 26, 2007
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    You mean like what the Goliath has but meaner? Sounds nice, and if the bombardment was eliminated, maybe they could get rid of the overlap with the tank. But since the Thor has a long range, it doesn't really need all those hitpoints, which consequently means the player doesn't really need the Thor on the field because it's slow as hell plus costs about the same as an exapnsion - and I wouldn't be surprised if it couldn't be transported via dropships. I'm thinking most players won't bother destroying the Thor but decide to leave it on the battlefield instead - it'd occupy supplies for the enemy plus it'd be absolutely useless because it's practically stationary if you consider all other units' manouverability - not to mention its 2 lives.

    Right now the main strong points of the Thor (having lots of hp and generally looking badass) could only be useful if it got a semi-melee role with flamethrowers with the range of an unupgraded marine or less, methinks.
  9. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    The Thors inital range was only like 6 or 7 pretty short for such a big machine. The reason I suggest long range AtA missles is because of its slowness so the missles make up for it since aircraft are fast and agile.

    Imagine if they scrapped the Thor tho. It would be nice to have some kind of fast ground mech where you can load infantry and have them use its side guns, and the damage or fire rate increases for the amount or type of units which are loaded. But don't think mobile Bunker as bunkers are shield the units from attack, with this the attack type can change when you load different infantry. I dunno just a 15 second idea...
  10. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    the thor is a great and one of the most exciting unit so far and will be an instant icon for the terran in sc2. so i hope they better make the right decision for the thor.

    anyway IMO the thor is better to be the terran "tank", the terran unit that can absorbs most damage and just simply make it the strongest ground to ground unit for the terran one on one. i dont see it overlapping any other units with this build.

    and for the cannon on its back, im thinking about changing its look and make it attack multiple ground unis only (not buildings) when activated. the damage it would deal should be huge but to balance it and making it not overlap too much with the tank the cooldown should be longer.
  11. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I kinda like the change that i suggested a while back, namely the Shiva

    Make it have 500hp. 8 Supply, 300/300 min/gas,

    4 guns, either plasma guns, or gattling guns.Each can target a different enemy. Can attack air, each gun does 13 damage, marine attack rate(non stimpacked). Can only attack when grounded or sieged if you will.

    Also, because of its new design its name is changed to Shiva ( 4 armed god/godess of death)

    Normal range should be 6, that of a dragoon. You can initially have it 5 with upgrade.

    The siege time takes about twice as long as a siege tank.

    Special ability options:
    1. Fortify dig itself in the ground, taking 2 of the 4 guns out of commision(from being underground) but gaining additional HP and armor either for a set ammount of time or just another siege mode it has, in this mode you can take away the air attack and reduce attack range.
    2. Overload - have a stimpack effect, increasing its attack rate at the cost of something, HP, or maybe after the stim packed effect you can only use no guns or 1,2 guns for X time.
    3. Smoke bomb - shoots a bomb with X area of effect, or maybe a line-ish spread, units behind the smoke bomb cannot shoot past it, they must come infront of the smoke bomb to see their targets to attack.
    4. Covering Fire - this is similar to the Overload ability, after its use there will be some detrimental effects, such as not operating, or operating at some reduced rate. What this does is either A) Reduces the movement speed of units, or B) Reduces their attack speed. This ability upon activation, will shoot infront of Shiva, hitting both enemy and friendly units causing that effect.

    Note: Only one of these abilities will be on the actual unit, they are just ideas what it could be.

    This would make it a good unit vs small and medium sized units in melee range and non siege ranged targets.

    You can play around with the 4 guns for balance.

    1. Only 2 can fire at air targets at any time, but the other 2 can still fire at the ground.
    2. Only 3 guns can fire at any one target.
    3. Only 3 guns can fire forward, the 4th one has to attack sideways or backwards.
    And so on, for balance.
  12. Meloku

    Meloku New Member

    May 28, 2007
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    I like the idea of an anti air unit, that way I can focus on things like siege tanks >=]
  13. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    DKutrovsky's idea isn't half bad... but here is what I think.

    The Thor should stay almost how Blizzard had it before. Have it built right on the battlefield, give it back its whopping 900 HP, keep the two 'death' idea (I thought it was unique and really cool), and keep its basic ground and air attack. However, replace the Bombardment ability with the following:

    Aerial Cannons
    This would use the Thor's four cannons on its back as a rapid-fire aerial bombardment. It would spray fire (animated as flack-like explosions) over an area of effect - similar to the old ground bombardment, but in the air. It would be devastating to clustered enemy flyers, especially small and medium-sized ones.

    Right now, the Terrans are lacking in anti-air capabilities, as well as missing a real niche for the Thor. So why not kill two birds with one stone?
  14. DKutrovsky

    DKutrovsky New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    I like it, but it has to be on a cooldown and not mana.

    +what about speed of the Thor i kinda dont like how sluggish he is...
  15. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    A cooldown for the Thor would make sense (for the aerial bombardment ability) not to mention Blizzard is experimenting around with having some abilities that use it. As far as the speed goes, I'm neutral. Sure he could be a little faster, but his placement is a key part of a player's strategy due to the slow speed.
  16. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    That is exactly how I want the Thor, make a petition of it to gather votes on whether we like the Thor. I'd support it.

    As for the Thor's speed, I like it slow, if it was any faster I'd dislike it.