I'm kind of really bad and awkward at these introduction things, but I also feel weird whenever I sign up on a forum and then just start posting in threads. Makes me feel like the person who butts into a conversation on a bus and end up getting weird looks So here's my introduction! I've been a fan of Blizzard's games since I was a little kid, when I would look over my brothers shoulder (cause he would hog the computer 24/7) and pester him into explaining everything every little detail of whatever-the-heck was going on. I'll also be honest and say I really suck at strategy games. I mean seriously, I'm awful But I love the stories and clicking on units until they threaten to mail me anthrax. Hopefully someday I'll get better >.> So, I'll call that my introduction and proceed to hide in a corner now Nice to be here though ^_^ looking forward to meeting peoples. :yes:
That was a bad intro? Hunh. Welcome Sylph! Space Junk is scary, ijffdrie is scary, but other than that... you're in the clear. And Lounge is where all hurricanes occur.
Hello there and welcome to the forums. Nothing much to be afraid of other than forum ghosts. Ohhhhhhh yeeaaaaaaaah...
Bah, it's not lighting bolts one needs to fear from hurricanes: it's being impaled by uprooted flying trees D:
.... why do i get mentioned in every introduction thread before i say hi myself *looks weird at sylph* why the hell did you just interupt our conversation?
Welcome to the forums Sylph! And the torrasque is right here behind you!!!!!!!!...........but instead im right in front of you.
its cause we wuv u.... nd welcome sylph...jus listen 2 every thing i say nd we wont hav any problems...trust meh u do dat we'll b da best of buddies...jk hi LoVeRBoy[E] but most peps call meh LB nd every1 wuvs meh....nd im a kind god king
Are you one of those things they warend us about in computer academy? A backseat player? YOU MUST DIE welcome to your doom
Hi. I'm Fenix. I've been here forever. You can call me Steve. I probably won't answer to that. Honestly, most everything's been covered. If you have any questions about the workings of the forums or have any problems, feel free to PM or IM a mod, or a few other people around here. We'll be more than happy to sort out any problems.