A. Why isn't Tasteless observing? It's hard to watch this with him not knowing what he'll talk about from moment to moment. B. I know it's a skill thing, but these guys have medivacs and are doing drops by the eleven minute mark; I'm lucky if I am expanding by then. I would own in bronze league (yeah, I'm a bad) if I could get MMM and rush by the eleven minute mark. Any tips?
B - that doesn't seem to hard for me. Just go the 1-1-1 build and build a medivac and some marines/marauders. Although i haven't tried it yet ^^
A: Both tasteless and artosis are observing. The screen you're watching is Tasteless' screen. Artosis is looking around the map everywhere in his own screen finding little things that tasteless can't scout for(without disturbing the smoothness of the cast)... B: It's a matter of how well you perform your basics... When you have a tight build, without forgeting to do things, it's quite easy to do... It also depends on your build, but yeah, if you go for a 1-1-1 opening, it's quite easy to get a drop out by the 11 minute mark. If you forget to make scvs and build depots in time to not get supply blocked, then you hinder yourself economically and therefore you will lack the money to have all the stuff you need by that time, but if you don't forget these things you don't need awesome macro to do it... If I were to fight Huk and we did a mothership rush against one another, my mothership would have been out roughly the same time as huk's, only a few seconds later due to slips in chronoboosting. Performing the macro part of this is just fundamentals anyway. Now Huk's rush would completely rape me because he'd line up his forge timing so that it's ready exactly by the time he'll be able to set up a pylon in my base to get photon cannons up, so he'd have used his money beforehand into building a few more units than me, having anything from 1 to 4-5 extra units(which are a lot by that timeframe) due to spending those resources earlier on units and keeping production up instead of spending them on an early forge and halting production for a few seconds here and another few there. And ofc that's before any decision making and control come in the battle where my humiliation in this imaginary battle would be complete Thing is, that to perform such a kind of early game macro is easy especially because there are not lots of stuff to pay attention to and it's relatively easy to keep up with your production, so it's how well you handle your fundamentals there... Other stuff like map control, scouting, aggression etc are a whole different deal, but getting that many units by that point in game is just up to the basics - keeping a healthy economy and keeping up your production...
Everything that they do is done quickly by having great macro. And if you want to learn that awesome stuff watching gsl is a bad idea watch day 9for learning and shout casts for fun
Yeah I have been watching Day9 a lot lately (a lot before his vacation and now after it), and I'm learning stuff about game basics. My game has improved a lot over the month I've played, I just think I'm at a wall and don't really know how to get better from my current position. Also, if Tasteless isn't the observer, why does tasteless or artosis randomly yell things like, "Top left top left" or "middle attack, middle attack, click on middle attack." ?