A have a ton of questions... ??? Is is possible to load a campaign mission in worldedit so you can edit it? im trying to make a tower defense and would like to use the secret level as a template becouse im not good at triggers. How do you change the scale of missles?(and yes ive tried the scale projectile button doesn't work) i'm trying to change glaive thrower back into ballista and i got the model right but the missles just a tiny arrow, and i want the axe bigger so i can make an axe throwing orc unit. the kodo beast axe is good size for tower but too small for fel grunt to look right. i'll post more later right now theirs some chicken nuggets that want to be eaten.
I don't think you can load an entire campaign into the editor, as campaigns usually cover several maps. It is possible to load any single map form a campaign into the editor, though. As for the scale of missiles, ignore that *scale projectile* button and go into the custom units area. There you should be able to edit the size quite nicely.