Hey guys, Just installed WC3 again on my laptop and I will be on US West under the account name Nexiumizer. God it's been a LOOONG time since I have played this game. EDIT: Sorry I just saw there was another blizzard games section. COULD A MOD PLEASE MOVE THIS THANKS!
I'm decent with Human and Undead, wanting to get better with Orcs (Make it my main I guess) and terribad with Night Elves.
Been there, done that. Willy knows... He knows. I'd play, but I accidentally all over my Reign of Chaos.
i haven't played online for ages. i so suck at this, its too different than normal RTS's so i can't even get the hang of competitive play
In what way do you think it's different? I mean: Collect money, build items, destroy player. The only big difference are the Heroes.. but that makes everything more interesting.
The heroes is the major thing, they have too much of an effect on the outcome of a game, i don't like it that a high level hero can stop a small force in its tracks. Theres also the low supply cap,100 and the similarities between the races.
you know what it is with blizz and making it and making their games accesable to everyone, more unit cap and some people on windowns 95 couldnt have played the game
Played with undead with my friend, I was ok. tried to do a militia rush once with humans and failed horribly.
I was rank 27 solo in Azeroth back a few patches, before Orcs and Elves went out of control. I'm still pretty good; I only play Undead.
Wow, reviving an old post. I just played WC with my bud, and I suck. DotA is INCREDIBLY addictive and now I'm stuck to it. Too bad I can't beat a computer on EASY.