Hi. I was reading many beginners tutorials/advice and many people say to wall-in and block off the ramps (with barracks and supply depots for Terrans.) I have a couple of questions about that. 1) Doesn't that make it so that I can't get any of my units out of my base then? 2) Do I only do this in the beginning to prevent early game rushing, then just move my barracks and supply depot? Thanks
1) you can lower depots and float the barracks, so your units can walk through and you can raise the depots back so enemy units cant get through. 2) depots cant move, but you could move the barracks later if you wish, however, I rarely do.
What they said. But for protoss, it's true that it's a bad idea to wall off completely. Instead you should "almost" wall off leaving a little gap, and just block that gap with a zealot to ward off rushes.
that`s the weirdness question i read,... i thought you`re reading a beginners guide?... of course supply depots on SC2 can be lowered
Even if you couldn't lower depots you would still do this. The only difference is your rax would become your door, which was how it was done in SC1. Protoss sometimes still wall off completely to fend off rushes. In that case you need to break your own wall (or cancel the pylon you started to buy time). Zerg generally don't wall off. Not that you couldn't do it (spine crawlers can move), but generally it wouldn't be worth doing by the time you could. Later in the game I usually just throw a handful of workers into the choke and have them hold position if I need to simulate a wall in until my partner arrives/some units finish building/etc.
I found that almost-wall-blocking with protoss can be a pain, as you can't get your units to the front quick enough. Almost lost a 2on2, as my friend and I couldn't get past my gates and pylons, so that was ugly
If you are blocking the choke with a pylon and a gateway with units to fill why is your partner running in between that? If anything he should be coming from behind the units attacking you, blocking them from retreat. Also on that note if you are massing zealots after you have a good amount blocking the choke then you are doing it wrong. Stalkers with blink are much more efficient than anything else in this situation.
It was the 4 player map, where West has two partners and East has two. The choke down from each base meet up in an area in between the two starting positions, where there is 2 mineral fields and then you have a wide area to defend against the incoming attacked. So when heading out of our bases, we end up on the shared space. And from there we share the path out. I build my Warp gates down there, so when he walked out of his base and out into the map, he had to squeeze past my gates and pylons.
well if you can watch your gate as protoss partially block then keep 1 or 2 sentries by then you can use force field as an impenetrable gate