For unknown reasons I seem unable to compete online, I've read dozens of strategy guides and watched dozens of videos over and over again. So yes I know all the basics (scouting, unit and worker production counters and build orders etc etc) It seems that a decent player must be gold league at minimum. But I seem to miss something, for most players bronze and silver leagues are a piece of cake. And I'm normally not that bad at games either so there must be some kind a simple procedure I cannot grasp at the moment. I'm waiting for the moment to see things clearly, I simply cannot believe that even with my current theoretical knowledge of the game mechanics , reaching even the upper half of the bronze league can be such a pain (was rank 38 but plummeted back to place 55), I should be at least an average player by now. It's not one particular strat or race that's causing trouble, simply everything causes trouble except for player with 10 wins or less.(and even that is no guarantee)
Here are 2 replays. The first one (roaches) I got rushed by zerglings but stopped the attack. But the lots and stalkers are simply no match for the roaches, and there was not enough time to build immortals. (which are their counters) There was another match where the initial rush failed but then the opponent went muta's I scouted this in time so I went phoenix, wrong.... they got eaten by the muta's in no time.(no replay) The only way I can win is like in the only way replay. (tried different variations of this, also with stalkers and colossi and this has an acceptable success rate) And sometimes a voidray rush against Terran works. (both bases are destroyed but I win because of my hidden building which is out of reach for his rushing MM)
1 replay: - You could practice your opening a little bit more, it's not a big deal but there are delays in building probes (also pylon at 9 is a little bit better). - Against zerg you should wall in at your choke (leave zealot wide space beetween buildings). That way you can easily defend against zerglings. - Your forge with +1 weapons was way too early. I believe pylon / gate / core (with chronoboosted warp gates) is the only viable opening right now (forge fast expand suffers from roach range upgrade in latest patch). You would initially build zealot / sentry / stalker to easily defend against early pushes. From there you can add warp gates / robo / forge, but it's important to build core asap. - I'm around 5 min. mark, and i see your APM's pretty low even though i saw it spike to 70 at times. My guess is that you don't know what to do. Because of your flawed opening you don't leave yourself many options, you're just waiting for things to finish. - You can benefit more from pylon placement, try to get vision of your base edges / places where people like to attack like rocks on this map or foggy corner on metalopolis. Scout his base again / place units on xel naga towers (zealots probably in case he has zerglings there). - Definitely chronoboost more, you have forge upgrades and warp gate tech which both would come out much quicker (and 86 energy on nexus). - One, fully saturated base can support 4 warp gates, you have only 2, that's 2 times more units you could've made. You also should've expand near 10 min. mark (if you had more probes and warp gates that is). - Around 10 min mark: You got the second gaser that late, you almost have no gas and you're going for dt's? That's a really bad idea. Just make more warp gates and go for a big chargelots push, pray he doesn't have mutas. - I don't know if it was intentional, but you would generally expand to your left, not right (closer, easier to defend). At the end you just had much smaller army, it's not suprising you've lost. What's funny, is that you could've warp in 2 dt's instead of zealots, and defeat him, he didn't have any detection .
Copy the builds of others that beat you by watching the replay until you get fast enough to know how to adapt proportionally to every minor difference/change.
I think, understanding the reasoning and fundamentals gives more depth to ones play in contrary to simply copying someones play.
I improve the most by watching how people beat me, I understand it the most once I am able to repeat it on others.
Ok thanks for the advice, Here is another replay, (I won this one but maybe it could have been better) It's a bit funny, first he tried to cannon rush me, then proxy gate, then he get mad that I destroyed has expo and tries to attack with a single colossus. I have another question on scouting, Lots of time I loses to early rushes. (especially proxy rax or gate) What happpens is this: I send the probe which placed the 1st pylon to scout. It often happens that I see only depots or pylon (meaning some sort of proxy strat) or an early pool for zerg. At this point the first gate isn't ready yet, so I need to chrono some lots out . So I immediately send a second scout to check around my base hoping to find the rax or gate in time but it's often too late for that. True I might be able to kill his first 2 marines or lots buf if i'm behind i'm screwed. Since proxy is very popular I tend to place a few lots outside and around to base until I have observers. Sometimes if it isnt too late I'll let my scout build pylon with stargate to proxy VR at him (which does the job most of the time) btw Rank is back at 38 (I guess my MMR has stabilized somehow)
When it comes to early rushes bro, it's important to get sentries out as quick as possible. The forcefield is important in blocking off your entrance to give you your precious time or in order to seperate their army making your life easier in terms of fighting their proxyness. We all have rutts man, and even the good players can struggle in any league. Me and my friend are both platinum players but for some reason, our league is like the pro bronze league and it's a struggle to move up most of the time. Though for some reason we've been playing plat and diamon league people while we're in bronze...might have something to do with it. >_> I am in 1v1 silver league though due to some real epic failing and it is hard. But then again, still playing platinum leauge players. I guess the computer realises I'm not meant to be in bronze/silver and it's trying to move me up. You also need to remember that just because you are in bronze doesn't mean everyone else in bronze is supposed to be there. There are lots of people who lose games in order to move down so they can prey on noobs (Not that you are one) of the lower ranks. Most likely due to the fact they have small *****es or were picked on in school...that or they're just insecure about some other aspect of their life and need to compensate by being d-bags. Regardless though..keep trying, take a break, come back and try again. Starcraft is primarily about fun, but a close runner up is learning how to accept failure and move on. The harder and longer you try the better you'll be...eventually at least.
wut no, phoenix are great against mutas. If you have an even army size, phoenixes only need to move back since they move attack. The mutas will never get em since phoenix range is abit higher.
I think that might be true. I lot of players who are 1v1 bronze , are silver or gold in 2v2 and 3v3. I noticed that if my rank is below 50 I win most matches , but as soon as I reach rank 40 or higher the opponents seems to be a lot tougher to the point that they know exactly what the're doing and have almost perfect macro (very unlike bronze) Why should a high league player lose intentionally to get to the lower leagues? these losses still counts as losses. If the higher leagues are too difficult for him than he will be demoted anyway, and if he want te practice on noobs he can go FFA. I try FFA sometimes I see a lot of diamond and platinum players. I even won once against gold and plat players (they were so busy killing each other and weren't paying any attention to me, so I had the time to get 200 supply full of Voids and Carriers (all upgraded to L3) plus a mothership.
You're missing the point... They lose purposly so they can prey on little nubs. In other words to be a real douche for no apparent reason.