Hey guys. I'm new to both SC2 and these forums although i've lurked here for a few days and I really am puzzled with something that has came up time and time again. Everyone is aware of Void Rays and the reputation they have around them, but i'm not sure as to where they stand in 'noobishess'. On one hand I have people saying they are overpowered, cheap and noobish. On the other hand I have people saying, they arn't overpowered, just people need to know how to counter. This has almost certainly been discussed already, but I still really am confused. I don't rush them or spam them as my sole unit, although whenever I use them at all, a good few times people tell me how annoying they are. Even I know how to play against Void Rays and I am by far not the best player around for sure. My question is, what am I supposed to make of them? Am I supposed to scrap using them in the name of balance or do I use them when I want to? I can't help but feel unclean in some way, even by just having a few sat around.
While the beta will only be around for 13 more days, and clearly it does not matter whether using them is 'nooby' or not, I can possibly help with your sense of guilt by informing you that I have yet to win a Gold or Platinum game in which I have made use of void rays. All you are hearing when people complain are the ignorant who have yet to learn how to counter them.
they areinbalenced within the game not due to there not being a counter, but because they control how you play the game, if i see a protoss player (as zerg)i must mass hydras,in a 2 v 2 we must controll natural expansion, it is that they force you to do one thing that is the issue. thye should be a speciallised building killing unit but they can easily take down almost anything. i play zerg only because of void rays, as the protoss counter is to have more void rays than the other guy, which is awsome. so it is not that void rays are overpowered per-sey, but rather that they control how i must do things. (though much of what i have said is good to do regardless cept massing one unit, which sucks but only way to deal with voids)
Thanks for the feedback. Yeh like EatMeReturns said, the Beta will be ending very shortly, so I suppose the next step is to watch what happens with Void rays after that. I just hope one way or another it gets sorted out. In the meanwhile i'll probably just play a different race, or make sure I stay far away from Void Rays while keeping a keen eye on any changes made. It seems like the easiest option. Picking up my game with another race can't do any harm anyway.
I don't see the need for a buff on void rays... They are quite powerful as they are but I do think blizzard should raise the population usage or cost in general to try and force people to be more original. The last few games I've played have been against a massive void force. They only way I've been able to effectively counter (playing as terran) is with a mass marine assault. Even then I need to micro like crazy.
I hate that whenever I do air as toss(so mainly void rays) I get called a Noob and the other players rage-quit. If my rays are working against their army, why should I switch tech? Especially in Twilight Fortress where air is very powerful. Not my fault they didnt scout my double stargate void tech..
its over powered. Most units that counter a void way Get counted to easy. If the void ray was 1 tier up somehow it would be fine, but its not and that is where the problem lies. Zerg dont have anything to deal with it unless you bolt line for some form of AA while terrans have to go on a defencive and mass marines if all else fails. Thors arnt effective. missile turrets arnt effective and vikings dont work either. That only leaves marines which are a glutton for psi storms and zlots with charge. Basicly the unit needs to be changed in some way. I'm suggesting change its dmg type to 3 (+4 vs armored) that will still make it 7 total damage but it just makes the unit less effective vs its counter unit. I dont mind the idea concept of the unit at all, i love the idea of this unit but these stupid things are still beating the counters for it which isnt right.
What the hell are you guys talking about? I haven't seen a void ray rush since i got out of bronze, and after losing to them 2 times, i realize that if you 2 gate chrono boost stalkers, no void ray can get charged before losing 1 or two AT LEAST. Vikings are also devastating against voids because they can focus fire them down before charge, while hydras rape hard against voidies. As a protoss player,the only time i've used Void Rays is support against those annoying siege tanks/ harrassing expos.
Voids havent been used much since the patch lowered their range. However, before that it was the most common strat toss used in 2v2. Even when I was in silver, if both enemies were toss, I could almost guarantee that one of them would get mainly rays. Hence why I got Vikings often even if I hadn't scouted the stargate.
That's kinda silly don't you think? As soon as I was being destroyed with voids in Gold I realized how good of a unit they are and really moved up the ranks.
It is interesting to note that in the top tier games you rarely see void ray rush. Or at least I haven't seen it in the replays I have watched, I might have just been watching the wrong replays. What I think though is that void rays are a strong unit, but they are detectable, counter-able, and inflexible. It doesn't take a genius to spot the VR builds, If you spot the build you either build the counter or prevent them from being built in the first place. The counters for the Void Ray though, to be fair, merely fight well against the void ray instead of really taking the unit out thoroughly, but that will balance out until it is just right. As far as inflexibility is concerned, once you commit to void rays only to see them shot out of the skies, you are like a soldier who lost his rocket launcher only to find that they have just a pistol left. In the end I think it will be a strategy that will work against inexperienced players, but rarely against those with experience.
in upper level gold (where i play) void rays are rarely seen especially against zerg because they are so easy to counter with queens and hydra's and then with terran it takes like 4 or 5 marines to kill a ray which is 200-250 mins which is much cheaper then the 250 min and 150 gas ray. In PvP stalkers and phoenixs do very well against rays especially now that phoenixs can move and attack so the rays have to keep on restarting their beam. However in the beginning of the beta the rays were laughably OP.
I don't think they are over powered at all.......I mean they are pretty expensive. If you let your opponent macro up that much and get enough to completely kill ya, thats more or less your fault. Hydra counter them well, and so do hand fulls of marines i'm pretty sure, both are VERY cheaply priced compared to a void ray.
Vikings outrange void rays by a lot now (it's 9 range vs. 6 I believe), so it's incredibly easy to micro and kill them.
void rays dont get good until u have like 5 of them, dont feel guilty ur prob just playing bad people
If I do win with mass rays I know the person I was playing had no scouting. I don't feel guilty at all even when plat players whine about them being for noobs as I finish them off.