Visual FX not visible

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Thrym, Aug 7, 2010.

Visual FX not visible

Discussion in 'StarCraft 2 Tech Support' started by Thrym, Aug 7, 2010.

  1. Thrym

    Thrym Guest

    Hi, I have a problem with the FX in SC2. More specifically, no explosions or fire effects are visible, when I blow stuff up I only see a few 3d blocks tumble away. I've tried to alter the video settings in the game but it doesn't seem to help. Even the arcade game in the cantina is missing some effects it seems.

    I run SC2 on:

    WIN XP
    Direct X 9.0
    Intel Core 2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz
    2 GB RAM
    GeForce GTX 470

    Please let me know what the problem could be.
  2. TheXev

    TheXev Active Member

    Jul 29, 2010
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    Corry PA USA
    What drivers are you using?

    Drivers for the 470 may be better supported on newer OSes then XP. I wouldn't be using XP with a nice configuration like that. I'd move up to Vista 64 or Windows 7 64 if you are able. Can you post some screen shots? (preferably not PNG but JPG, cause I'm stuck on dialup and it takes FOREVER to load crap. XD). You can use something like to upload the pics too.
  3. Thrym

    Thrym Guest

    Your hunch was absolutely correct, it was the drivers. I updated them and it works beautifully.

    The weird thing is, I got the 470 less than a month ago (in anticipation of SC2) and updated drivers then, so either something went wrong during installation (unlikely), or the drivers I needed became available just during the last few weeks. And yeah :p I'll be updating to Win7 soon...

    So thanks for the fast reply! Game on!