Im sure you guys have all seen the new terran Viking and Thor units for the terran, Ive got a acouple of questions: 1. What kind of assault unit will the Viking be? 2. How many Thor will be needed to storm a base? 3. Are there anymore gundam-like robots being released?
Hmmm...I'm guessing Thor is gonna be kinda like an Ultralisk where it has some use...but its more of a meatshield. I'm intrigued by Viking a lot. It's actually the type of unit I was kinda hoping to see. It has versatility, but for its versatility it has a jack of all trades build to it, so it doesn't necessarily specialize in anything. I still think it reminds me of Starscream though.
I can imagine an island game where a player fills his base tiwh anti air defences and a team of vikings just swoops in and transforms right in his face making his defences completely useless.
Viking is just gonna be one more weapon in the "Terrans are the dicks of starcraft" arsenal! ;D I love Terran...
yes new video for the terran. anyway im still not getting bored watching the protoss gameplay. i watch it like twice a week.
1. id say some sort of anti light unit raider, or a heavier base raper then the reapers 2. no cookie cutter answer to that one, depends on enemy's eco, units, what kind of units etc etc, but i would guess a few thor's mixed with other units would be effective (somewhat like ling / ultra / defiler - tanks / thor / vessel) 3. time will tell..
One would wonder why blizz wouldnt give more eye candy vids...i mean they already said everything is subject to change, so might as well show us what they are working on right? RIGHT?