Well bought SC2 and got video card message mines quite a bit dated radeon x1800 series, can anyone reccomend a better one that can run sc2 on highest settings with almost no performance issues?
Recommanded: Read first, then write! http://www.starcraft2forum.org/forums/showthread.php?t=6052 And by the way: Its always a good idea to tell us your spending limits!
http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814134064&cm_re=gtx_250-_-14-134-064-_-Product Done! Could have found it yourself with a little searching.....
I bought a ATI Radeon 5770 for about $145 after rebate on newegg. It runs on the highest settings (ultra). Runs great. Check out this link for comparisons: http://www.techspot.com/review/305-starcraft2-performance/page7.html
Regardless of which video card you choose, uninstall the video drivers for the x series card before installing the new card into the machine! Then install the new cards drivers. Do not install the drivers off of the CD that comes with it, but download the newest driver from either AMD/ATI or nVidia!