Okay, I was in a lose streak(like 4 in a row) and while I do know it's natural to happen you can't really help feeling a little frustrated and worried about the next match. So after getting my arse handed by 3 zergs and a toss I finally get a PvT which is my favourite matchup, and my spirits lightened a bit since I got some confidence... I manage to kill his army, kill his main and while he was throwing his last scvs before the gg when my 6 colossi, ~10 zealots~10 sentries were having a go at his expansion with only his cc and a few supply depots left, and I was getting ready to rejoice at breaking my winning streak(yes, this is all one big sentence to increase the drama!), BAM! Windows decides to restart to install updates without asking me... This is the second time this happens at exactly the same situation(only the other time it was a pvp and I was marching in with stalkers/immortals/zealots, but really, you get the point...)... Also,I just realised that when the game crashed mid-game the replay doesn't get saved, and so I also lose any chance to keep a memory out of this thing! ARGH! The forum also prohibits me from using more than 8 smileys as they count as images for some reason! And I tried to vent my anger into making a series of symmetrical silly faces! ARGH! >=\>=\>=\>=\ Edit: Aw, crap, this should have been in the space junk... It'd be good if you moved it >.<