I just finished reading the latest article, ("StarCraft 2 Gets a Cameo from StarCraft Units!") and I started to think about what other things could happen to the game because of this latest addition. I came up with this idea: why not use units and abilities that where cut from the game in the singleplayer missions? Those missions don't need to have a perfectly finetuned balance, since you are playing a game that also depends on triggered events such as reinforcements. Those can be used to balance some of the flaws caused by using the "unbalanced" units and abilities. We already saw this being used in SC:BW in the mission where you got those really owerfull Zerg units, and it worked just fine. Some examples: the Thor could have its traditional bombard ability back, the black hole and the original planet cracker from the Mothership could still appear etc. And what about using cut units like the soul hunter, or even that weird Terran building? (I believe it was some kind of Starport, correct me if I'm wrong.) There are a lot more possibilities, like the mine layer addition from the old Nomad. It was introduced and removed before most people realized what happened? It would be a great addition, especially since we no longer have the old Vulture. (Well, we do, but I just love the mine tower. ) I could go on and on, but I guess this should be enough to make clear where I want to go with this discussion: should the scrapped abilities, units and structures be used in the singleplayer missions or not?
It certainly wouldn't hurt the single player game, it may even make it far more interesting and complex.
If they fit yes, I'm sure they won't just throw away the work they did on the cut units. If they don't fit a niche in the campaign then I'm sure they will be in star edit. That or they may make returns in the later games. The viking was first being worked on for SC vanilla but didn't see the light of day until BW.
No, how do you think ppl get a handle on the units before taking the game to PvP? They play with them on single player, if someone comes up with some awesome strategy with an ability or unit, then take it to multiplayer to own ppl with, their gonna get their ass handed to them, cause they have learnt to play the game differently then they should have. If you want to make a custom game with said units, be my guest, thats just for fun, and ppl should be able to add whatever to maps they make.
I say yes. It won't hurt strategy since it will be in the campaign. If people want offline practice, they can go against comps on custom games (skirmish games). I'm sure the comp AI will be more complex for SC2.
Yes, especially since they're going to make single player fans pay for each campaign. They need to have additional content like old and scrapped units, buildings (hint hint Dark Pylons) and abilities in the single player. Also here's what Karune stated a few months ago.
Hmm, you are right about that. But that can be solved easily. You just have to rename the units that use the "special" abilities. For example: the old SC:BW had an unit called the hunter killer, (or something) it was nothing more then an overpowered version of the hydralisk. Maybe the same thing could be done for the new special units. The "old style" thor could be named siege thor or something. I know, I suck at naming stuff, but you get the idea, right?
what i understood from the reading is that raynor will be able to acquire these units, meaning he will use them, heroe style, just him... maybe im wrong, but thats what i understood.