I always thought upgrading existing units was silly. I understand the reasoning behind it yet there are things that would not allow this. Namely, logic. Now I know this is a game and realism shouldn't be considered an important factor with space and aliens and all that but let me elaborate on this a bit. Starcraft 2 has improved graphics both in details and in screen resolution, which theoretically will make units smoother, more detailed and distinguishable (despite some of the video footages we've seen, especially of Terran). These graphics would show the slightest difference between identical units. Picture the following situation: you're attacking with a pack of Marines and while they're running, they magically get an armor and a bayonnet. Or even better, a Zergling is about to finish off a Marine when it gets the hitpoint upgrade, it suddenly receives hitpoints (because the hp/total hp ratio must stay the same) and the Zergling gets chopped up instead of the Marine. I think it would look silly and this is why I bring a suggestion. Make upgrades affect only the units that are produced after the research. One thing that would support this is logic but since that doesn't play a big role in this game I'll move on to the next thing. It would create a new possibility in strategy: there would be more roads for you to take. You could go massproduce early units -> tech a little -> produce either upgraded early units or ones that are higher on the tech tree (obviously these two require different teching) or you could take your chances and tech first and then produce upgraded early units or completely skip early units and go for heavier ones. If implemented, this would also create a little diversity in your army and I think that would look nice. I'm curious what the community thinks about this because in every RTS game I've played upgrades were always applied to existing units, even in Age of Empires games, which I find odd.
I think this works well for unique upgrades, like, as you said, shield and stuff. But for general upgrades, like weapon and armor, this should take place instantly.
I don't, lets say you got 50 marines, then buy that health upgrade =shield then you mean they wont get it? nah lets just keep it instant on all, it will be much smoother that way. but i have to agree that it would be easier to distinguish units but i think it would be annoying if you had to re buy alot of units just to get those unique upgrades. But i have an idea who might fix that. You take your units which you had before you researched and go to the building where you researched that upgrade with them, there they get the upgrades (gets their new armor and so on) :army:
Yeah, I was just thinking that Inpox. Go in for a retro fitting. But what about things like the Viking or Siege Tank?....It's complete overhaul
theoritically i would like to see existing units going back to base to recive the upgrade, but it will make the game play messy
that was exactly what i said BnechbReaker and nah because either you have your army in combat or in base so the armies will very often get upgraded anyway and fenix, yeah we have a problem there