Why have they stopped? I liked this site a lot when it brought up recent news and developments. Why isn't the main page being updated?
It's ture. I have thought about this fact too some times ago and it's true that SC2forum.org has not updated its main page. Other sites seem to be more implied in the development of Starcraft 2. But it's true that Blizzard let all of us in doubts and uncertainty so I understand that the webmaster gives sometimes up. We can't wait .... anymore .....for NEW updates from Blizzard too. Nothing new all this week even !!!!!
News portal updates can be infrequent because our site manager Joneagle_X has a busy life, and thus doesn't always have time to check on/update the site. I may be thinking of the site mechanics pre-vB, but I could have sworn all moderators had the ability to post news articles.
And there's really not many new things going on to be honest. Everything's at a hold until the Beta is released. As my favorite DotA hero Krobelus says: '' I grow anxious to act'' By act of course, I mean playing 12 hs of SC2 in 1 day
http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=107013 That is front page worthy, I thought.
That's a Team Liquid representative that interviewed Dustin Browder, and posting that article on our site would be bad forum etiquette. We could post a small excerpt from the article and a link to Team Liquid's site, but that's about it.
Hey guys, Believe me, I know there haven't been any real news updates. The newest article is from Oct 27th. Don't think I haven't been digging for news, there just isn't any. I even skipped a couple minor news pieces (the last Q&A) because they're just boring and aren't bringing us any new information. The real issue here is that there just isn't any StarCraft 2 news. And when there is, I'll surely post it. You can rely on us to bring you that news quickly and reliably. So I'm still around, still looking for news, and it will be on the main page when there is any.
Yes, you had to put the latest infos about Starcraft 2 on the main page. That's the capital info for this game. It's been a while since Blizzard has not given us info for this game.
I wouldn't object to compilations of smaller stuff, linking to the appropriate discussions. Have the front page be a reflection of what is going on inside the forums, what members are talking about, rather than a reflection of what Blizzard is giving us.