Unit Names

Discussion in 'General StarCraft 2 Discussion' started by Psionicz, Mar 10, 2008.

Unit Names

  1. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Is it just me or are the unit names becoming uncreative and boring.

    Marine - Same as Sc1, I have no problem with this name.
    Medic - Descriptive enough, as the unit is just a medic.
    Reaper - I like this name as you don't hear it every day and isn't really dull. But the definiton of Marauder fits it better so it should be switched with the Marauder's name.
    Marauder - v.intr. To rove and raid in search of plunder. | v.tr. To raid or pillage for spoils. Don't you thing the definiton of Marauder fits the Reapers role better?
    Ghost - Same as Sc1 name, the unit in effect is a ghost so it works well.
    Viking - A warrior title, relates to Goliath so I don't mind this name.
    Jackal - Not very creative, a Jackal is a small animal which scavenges and can only hunt very small and weak prey.
    Crucio Tank - A word you don't hear everyday, leaves you to ponder its meaning thus being sucessful.
    Banshee - A Banshee is a ghost or something right? anyway, the name works as its a descriptive noun.
    Dropship - A basic unit, doesn't need a different name
    Nomad - Name fits into its lore, often working alone on isolated space stations thus being Nomadic.
    Battlecruiser - A classic name, doesn't go wrong.
    Thor - Thor is a God of thunder in mythology so the name relates to the unit being very powerful and hard hitting. Although not the most creative of names it works for the most part.

    On a whole Terran names don't need to be very grand or anything since they are just Humans. ot exotic aliens.

    Zealot - Although the same name for Sc1, Zealot is not a word which is well known and I'm guessing it derives from the term Zealous which has something to do with a strong belief based around religion right?
    Dark/Dark Templar - Templar - a knight of a religious military order established in 1118 to protect pilgrims and the Holy Sepulcher Knight
    Templar knight - originally a person of noble birth trained to arms and chivalry; today in Great Britain a person honored by the sovereign for personal merit.
    Very descriptive noun, nice relation to the Protoss and their strong religious beliefs.

    Twighlight Archon - 1. A high official; a ruler.
    2. One of the nine principal magistrates of ancient Athens.
    3. An authoritative figure; a leader: archons of cultural modernism.

    Nullifier - A simple name telling us it nullfies things, not creative at all.
    Stalker - Although it relates to the Dark Templars cloaking abilities and sneaking up on victims. The name its self is very simple, making it evident Humans named them. Maybe a name like Prowler or Interloper would fit better. But my stance on this name is neutral for now.
    Immortal - Yea the wounded Protoss gets put inot here thus being ''immortal'' but its boring. Names like Corsair, Arbitor, etc fit them better.
    Colossus - Decent.
    Observer - It observes, what more could you ask for.
    Phase Prism - I like this name because its just different. Not the regular word you would come across.
    Phoenix - Descriptive noun like the Nomad. But still meh.
    Warp Ray - No. Very boring and not creative at all.
    Carrier - It carries Intercoptors. Not creative at all for advanced aliens with psionic abilities.
    Mothership - The main weapon of war for Protoss, the strongest in their arsenal and all we got is ''Mothership''

    Basically for the Protoss they need more exotic names to tie in with their acientness and stuff. Since they are pretty much based on Eqyptions for the simple part, maybe use some words around that.
    It just seems like they got bored and gave them simple names after a while.


    Zergling - Unique and ties into the Zergs unity
    Baneling - Relates to a players reaction when he encounters Banelings:
    1. Fatal injury or ruin: "Hath some fond lover tic'd thee to thy bane?" George Herbert.
    2.a. A cause of harm, ruin, or death: "Obedience,/Bane of all genius, virtue, freedom, truth,/Makes slaves of men" Percy Bysshe Shelley.
    b. A source of persistent annoyance or exasperation: "The spellings of foreign names are often the bane of busy copy editors" Norm Goldstein.
    3. A deadly poison.

    Hydralisk - No explaination needed. This name is pure win.
    Lurker - It could be better but its not really a word you'd use everyday but its still a basic term.
    Roach - An exotic, viscious alien and its named after an Earth creature which Zerg wouldn't of encountered. I mean the attributes and stuff of a Roach are all evident with the unit's abilities but still. Boring and uncreative.
    Infestor - Hell no. Worst name of them all, sounds like something a 5 year old would name his newest collection of alienesque jelly beans.
    Corruptor - just as bad as the Infestor.
    Swarm Guardian - Wow?
    Overlord - I like it, everyone likes it.
    Overseer - Its different, I like it. And again heightens the unity with Zerg units.
    Mutalisk - Same as the Hydralisk, pure win and emplifies unity.
    Queen - Its ok cuz the unit is mega win plus what swarm of creatures doesn't have a Queen.

    Ultralisk - Emplified unification again.

    The Zergs names tie in with their unity which is what the Protoss lack as their names only suggest of their roles.

    Care to think up any names?

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  2. MarineCorp

    MarineCorp New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    I disagree with some of your points there, the Nullifier is a great name since it 'nullifies' something, if hate the name why not call it Protoss 'Fish' or something hm? that would sound stupid and uncreative

    but the Corrupter and the Infester have got awful names, they could do something like 'Zerg Tamer' for Corrupter or something however the name 'Infester' is the worse :(
  3. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    Reaper/Marauder: You bring up some good points here Zergalicious. The phrase "you call down the thunder, and I'll reap the whirlwind." means taking advantage of chaos (that's how i've had it explained to me). That's probably why the Reaper is named so - taking advantage of panic and disorder, to cause further panic and disorder.
    Jackal: While it's true it's not very creative, it emphasizes that it's the replacement for the Vulture (both are names of scavenger animals).

    Nullifier: It's not as bad as you say. In SC1 most units' names expressed their functions/characteristics anyway. Maybe a few synonyms for nullify - invert, obstruct, prohibit, take your pick.
    Warp Ray: again, synonyms might make it sound cooler. Distortion Ray? just a thought. Aether Beam/Ray might be a good one too, since the definition of Aether is space and sky.
    Carrier: It's iconic of the Protoss. No complaints here
    Mothership: The Mothership in general has always been a huge ship that brings the power to bear. Again, no complaints.

    Roach: I'm pretty sure everyone hates this name. I suggested this in another thread: Screamer. It's fast moving and spastic, so why not?
    Infestor: Just give us back the Defiler, both for name and appearance. Keep the abilities, but change the looks of them.
    Corruptor: I don't think it sounds that bad. Mutilator, perhaps?
    Swarm Guardian: Brood Guardian sounds good to me. Brood's a cool word.
  4. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Aether Ray sounds really good for a Warp Ray.
    How about Avian/Avion for a Protoss flyer.

    Think about it, none of the Protoss would name their machines things like Mothership or Warp Ray, they need exotic sounding names.

    Mutilator wouldn't be a valid name for something like the Corruptor, maybe the Infestor because:
    1. To deprive of a limb or an essential part; cripple.
    2. To disfigure by damaging irreparably: mutilate a statue. See Synonyms at batter1.
    3. To make imperfect by excising or altering parts.

    Hmm... actually it may be able to work with this, since its infestation of the Barracks leaves the Marines all disfigured and stuff.
    How about Manifest for the Corruptor.
  5. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    What i liked about starcraft 1 was that you knew the use of a unit (mostly), when you heard the name.
  6. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    I see you're all for the swarm huh?
  7. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    Yeah, what did you think?!?!?
    And i think im one of the few that likes the new names, if we do not include the Roach, WHICH SHOULD BE REMOVED
  8. longlivefenix

    longlivefenix New Member

    Sep 8, 2007
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    i like the new names
    the jackal is a pretty cool name... kinda kudos to halo
  9. Meee

    Meee New Member

    Jun 16, 2007
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    I disagree with the jackal, I think it's good and fitting for terran. Also I wouldn't change old units names, It always was and will be Carrier. An attempt to change it already met with failure

    I do agree however that some of the new units completely lack creativity, like corruptor infestor and nullifier, these and some others should be changed
  10. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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    It just occured to me that Mutilator doesn't really work for any unit. It's taken by the Mutalisk. d'oh

    I still stand by my previous statement that Defiler is a good name (and look) that should stay in place of the Infestor. The Dictionary definition of Defile is:

    1) to corrupt or ruin something
    2) to make a holy or sacred thing or place no longer fit for ceremonial use
    3) to make something dirty or polluted

    Corruptor...i've been thinking on it. Maybe "Ravager" or "Seether" (the latter i'm particularly fond of). Or perhaps we should move away from using verbs to form names and think of something different?
  11. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    They should have a new set of names, like we got the Lings, Overs, Lisks. What could be a new line representing the Zerg's evolution?
  12. Kaaraa

    Kaaraa Space Junkie

    Sep 19, 2007
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  13. LordKerwyn

    LordKerwyn New Member

    Jul 28, 2007
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    I tend to agree with the Maruder/Reaper comment but it seems a little late to change it now. As far as the Jackal is concerned here is an excerpt from wikipedia:

    I think the key part is "predators of small to medium-sized animals" just replace animals with units you pretty much have a [erfect description of the Jackal (unit). Also I am pretty sure Jackals are pack hunters, which they will most likely be in SC2.


    Protoss: This were we probably dissagree the most. The way I think of Protoss communication is; since they communicate telepathicly, they speak with ideas instead of words. So the way the Protoss names work, is they are the Human interpretation of those ideas put into 1 or 2 words. Just look at the Protoss names from both SC1 and SC2 most seem like pretty literal descriptions of the unit they represent. (The only 2 major exceptions being the Reaver which I don't really have a good explanation for and the biological units which are described with more religous terminology instead of literal terminology, my explanation for this would be that since the Protoss are very deeply religous they emphasize, unit religous status more than warrior status.)

    So going off that I really don't have a problem with any of the Protoss unit names, even if some seem bland.


    TBH I really don't care a lot about the Zerg one way or another (as long I can kill em :p) but it seems like the Infestor/Corruptor/Swarm Guardian could use a modification.
  14. Psionicz

    Psionicz New Member

    Nov 30, 2007
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    Jackals don't hunt in packs. Their pair up for life meaning theres two. One will watch the pups as the other gathers food. Most of the time they would scavenge or hunt things like mice.
    With that I see no relation to the Jackal's behaviour or tendencies when compared to a Terran Jackal.

    But my main point is, I think the units need to be unique and interesting. The Zerg names on a whole are very well put together, having all relate to eachither excluding the new ones, and showing that unity of Zerg and how they operate as one in effect. So their names add up nicely to their lore.

    The Protoss were going on the right track with nameslike Zealot, Templar, Archon, Corsair, Arbitor, And they all relate to ones place within a society with certain beliefs and standards.
    I just think the Protoss should keep that thru out their whole naming process.
  15. Calcium

    Calcium New Member

    Jul 23, 2007
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    Swarm Guardian - Wow?
    Haha, this gave me a chuckle and I totally agree XP
  16. Prodigal

    Prodigal New Member

    Nov 9, 2007
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    The Zergling Roach should be renamed the "Roachling".

    Infestor sounds too much like Investor...which is kinda dry. I would like a name more like the Violator, or the Vileor.

    Vileor and Defiler actually sound very similar...might be a good upgrade name.
  17. darkone

    darkone Moderator

    Jun 29, 2007
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    I agree with you about the Infestor thing, its just lame.
  18. Ursawarrior

    Ursawarrior New Member

    Oct 17, 2007
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    somewhere....not sure
    i think the origin of the name zealot came from the bible... which i don't know much about
    all i know is that they came along with priests and i think zealots are the soldiers of priests???
    thats all i got

    hey, i like carrier, its good enuf to considers it carries drones like a real carriers carries planes.... or something like that