Unit Ideas - Centipede, Commander

Discussion in 'Terran' started by TidalSpiral, Jul 24, 2007.

Unit Ideas - Centipede, Commander

Discussion in 'Terran' started by TidalSpiral, Jul 24, 2007.

  1. TidalSpiral

    TidalSpiral New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    With all these new factors to consider, my mind has been running buck wild with unit ideas for the three races (and possible fourth race ones too). Post your own thoughts on these.

    Terran Centipede - I love this one. Imagine a train-like vehicle with many Spider Mine style legs on it. It can hold up to eight marines / medics / reapers / ghosts and if they have an attack they will fire out of portholes on the unit. It has no armament of it's own; however it can climb tiered cliffs and provides a "mobile bunker" for the Terran military. I considered also if it had a "stationary mode", where it loses mobility and reinforces it's armor like a turtle.

    Terran Commander - Already brought it up but still like the idea. A regular human type unit but with two or three big level casts, such as an Interstellar Bombardment that involves satellite deployed weapons. This would change strategy drastically I think but in a fun way. The Commander would be ultimate tier, like a very very final person and only one per Terran player. They would have to protect him as he would have either none or very little personal armament. Pistol maybe.

    That's it for now, I only wanted to put them out there. Mobile bunker ftw! :D

    EDIT: For clarification, I didn't mean that the Terran Commander unit was supposed to relate AT ALL to the player. Apparently they actually call the player "commander", I had forgotten about that but it's not really relevant. If you're Commander, then this is just a lesser Commander under you or something. Know what I mean?
  2. capthavic

    capthavic New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    hehe still won't give up on that commander idea huh?

    As I've said before there are already nukes and plenty of high tier/caster units already. And the Protoss are the only race that will have a one-at-a-time super unit. There is just no need for it.

    At best you should just change the name (commanders don't fight on the front lines) but really you should just scrap it. Or play some DoW ^_^
  3. TidalSpiral

    TidalSpiral New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    Haha, yeah you're right on that. I was just excited by the concept I think - turns out there were officers and generals in Sudden Strike 2, probably why I thought it was a cool idea.

    What did you think of the mobile bunker idea though? I thought it would be sweet to see it walking over a cliff with marines sticking guns out the sides and firing crazily into the crowd. Or something like that.
  4. kehmdaddy

    kehmdaddy New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Yeah, the Centipede does sound cool, but the units inside are going to need to have a much longer cooldown. 8 Marines firing from inside that thing is going to do a whole lot of damage, and quickly. But I am picturing it in my head and I love this idea. :powerup:, broham.
  5. SirBaron

    SirBaron New Member

    Jun 9, 2007
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    @TidalSpiral (about the use of the word "Commander") If i'm not entirely mistaken, the Terran player is referred to as Magistrate in SC1 and Captain in SC: BW. I am not sure though, so feel free to correct me.

    I like the idea of a mobile bunker, but firstly: 8 marines (just like kehmdaddy said) can whip out a quite large amount of damage once the bullets start raining. Second: If it's like a train, how agile will it be, really? In other words, won't it be very hard for it to turn properly on the battlefield?
  6. kehmdaddy

    kehmdaddy New Member

    Jun 25, 2007
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    Well, I'm not sure how TidalSpiral is picturing it, so he'll have to clarify his view, but the way I see it, the Centipede is made up of eight sections with small, spindly legs on each of them, and it would move kind of like a snake. Not back and forth slithering like a snake, but it would be flexible and maneuverable. And for the ability to plant itself and turtle up, perhaps the front end could reach around to the back end, attach together, then plant the Centipede into the ground. Then the legs would turn upwards and metal plates would come up, leaving little holes to shoot out of, but protecting the units inside with a powerful shield. And also, maybe while it is in the mobile mode the units riding it could be targeted individually?
  7. TidalSpiral

    TidalSpiral New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    Thanks Kehmdaddy, someone deducted a point off me since yesterday. :D Now I'm back to 3 baby, yeah!

    Perhaps making the limit 6 infantry would be more reasonable. Or maybe it suffers a sight decrease to help recover for the heavy amount of damage?

    Maybe you're right about that but when I first mentioned this idea several people got bent out of shape because they thought I meant that the Player would be represented by the Commander unit and like their lives would be tied to it. So I don't really know about the wording, you could be correct.

    On the train part, I said that to kind of give an idea of size. I'm imagining a segmented cylinder with red lights along it for the shape (this allows it to bend as it turns, adding speed). It wouldn't be the fastest unit by far, but a good medium pace. The concept of the spidermine legs is that there would be rows of them on either side, so it essentially "scurries" forward by walking just like a centipede. Therefore when turning, you'd see all the little legs clicking as they lift up and the frame shifts towards another direction then "runs" off.

    Great idea for the turtle mode Kehm! It could roll on it's back and lock the front to the back, so that it looks like a big ring with spikes sticking up cause of it's legs. Maybe it could even extend the legs quickly, stabbing at units that approach it for very little damage (more cool than useful but hey who cares).

    So adding it all up - has segmented body with spider legs to run on, climbs walls, carries 6 infantry units that can fire from inside, sight decrease while in Mobile Mode, coils up into a spiky ring for Turtle Mode (without sight decrease).
  8. capthavic

    capthavic New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    I believe that colonial magistrate was the players former title. After the events of Mar Sara your title is revoked (for accepting help from SoK) pending trial/investigation. In BW you play as someone else from the UED, who is a captain if I recall. Anyway both are the commanding officer for their troops regardless of what they are called.

    Back to the topic I like the creativity but it just doesn't seem practical or balanced. But if I may, how about if you shortend it to just one section, can climb terrain like the colossus, holds six infantry units, low rate of fire and no special attacks when mobile, and when deployed the legs curl up around the body and provide an armor bonus.
  9. zeratul11

    zeratul11 New Member

    Jun 2, 2007
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    yes the centipede mobile bunker is great. i know blizzard has already thought about this(mobile bunker) but for some reason they don't want to implement it. man i hope blizz will deciode to make the terran mobile bunker like unit. there are still 4 terran units not yet revealed. the train centipede would be the best for the remaining slots.
  10. Exvasion

    Exvasion New Member

    Jul 11, 2007
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    The centipede idea is really good, though it does seem like it would be imbalanced. If you had 8 marines in a mobile bunker you could make offensive siege tank positions impregnable really easily. For it to be balanced I think it would have to cap at 4 marines, like a normal bunker. Some other ideas to make it balanced would be to make it slow, or to make it unable to attack air, or to make the marines in it unable to attack unless it goes into its immobile mode (I think this is what kehmdaddy suggested). Very interesting idea though. :powerup:
  11. TidalSpiral

    TidalSpiral New Member

    Jul 8, 2007
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    I like the idea of the marines firing out of it while it moves though. I think it could be balanced so long as you make it's costs high enough, that way it stays more expensive than dropping 12 dropship/overlord/protoss things full of units and retains the "super drop" strategy. As you said, it would only be useful against a line defense that isn't very deep... more than three layers of Photon Cannons and you'd get roasted. Or through cliff climbing, since they'd have to scramble very fast to stop four or more running turrets.