Unit idea: Terran Rapier & some other changes ideas

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Thalion, Feb 28, 2008.

Unit idea: Terran Rapier & some other changes ideas

Discussion in 'Terran' started by Thalion, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. Thalion

    Thalion New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    Currently there are two problems, which have Terran Forces
    1) lack of dedicated AtA fighter
    2) recently overgrown ground support, which surely doesn't make terrans more versatile (Jackal = Vulture's clone - overlaps Reaper)
    3) some other rearrangments

    1) Rail mechanic is fine, so why not to implement it in new airfighter?
    Terran Rapier will have splash damage (like Valkyrie was) but it will damage everything in line (like Jackal). I know, that it might be not as effective as Valkyrie's Halo Rockets but just sharing a thought.

    2) Jackal even with new mechanic still looks like retired Vulture.
    Vulture had Spider Mines... how about making Jackal dedicated minelayer? Every mine will cost small amount of resources/up to 0.5 supply.

    3) Return explosion radius damage for Banshee's cluster rockets. I prefer one or two missiles launched per attack but with significant AoE and longer cooldown. How it would work? Take couple of Banshee's, choose enemy positions, enable cloak, drop few BOMBS over target and run away ;)
  2. ninerman13

    ninerman13 New Member

    Jul 19, 2007
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    1) I like that idea.

    2) If you implement the idea for an AtA fighter with the Jackal's mechanic, there needs to be a totally new Factory unit. I don't think mines would be good - we already have the Reaper's magnetic mines as well as the Nomad's mine-laying turret.

    3) I personally would prefer a return of the original Banshee attack.
  3. furrer

    furrer New Member

    Jul 27, 2007
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    1) A really great idea, especially the attack in a line, hasnt been mentioned before...
    2) NO, would overlap with reapers mines and the mine drone
    3) I just want the normal attack back.

    For the first, whats wrong with a clone, when it even has a new type of attack? And the Jackal does not really overlap with the reaper IMO.
    Good harasser, nothing else IMO (mines against cannons, normal attack against workers)
    Good vs drones, easily killed by cannons (like the vulture)
    Good vs massed light units

    So you can see that the Jackal only would be able to harass not well defended bases, a bit like the banshee... (i would like te see the reaper changed/cut still, because i think its to "weak"/"only harasser"....)

    Edit: when i think about it, the banshee overlaps with the jackal if it turns back to the old form, perhaps they changed the attack because of that!?!?!?
  4. Thalion

    Thalion New Member

    Oct 22, 2007
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    1) It should fill role of firm spaceship, something around frigate = four independent railguns, firing slugs forward, but each with little other angle, then reload some time (like Valkyrie had, but each slug will have around 8 normal damage). Imagine, how it would punish packs of Mutalisks and other massed light air units...

    2) Well, I'd rather see Science Vessel turned into Space Station - Shipyard, building Battlecruisers, which are so HUGE, that they can't be built on planet's surface ;) + some repairing skills/tech-spells, and of course detector.

    I was comparing Jackal and Reaper because both are light-quick ground raiders, dealing small amounts of damage. They differ, altough still quite similar.

    3) Banshee attack was great, I wonder why devs changed it by giving splash to Jackal.
  5. DontHate

    DontHate New Member

    Jun 26, 2007
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    1) I like the idea of using this and calling the unit the rapier, but it just won't work. I doubt blizzard will make 2 units have the same type of attack. Also, they will probably not take out the jackal for the rapier because a ground unit with a railgun has so many more possibilities for micro (killing worker line, etc)
    2) Kind of silly to have an air unit to drop mines, but i guess it can work. Also, the terrans have the reapers grenade bombs, and while it's not the same, you can't have every ability to return to sc2 or else it'd just be sc1 with better graphics.
    3) The terrans don't need another unit highly capable of killing many ground units.
  6. Tankman131

    Tankman131 Guest

    1) their won't be two units with the same attack, and if there arte they will put a patch to fx it
    2)no air mines, too much like HL2's helicopter, just leave the greneades
    3) Crucio, Thor