I have a map with a problem...see, it spawns a horde of units, but I keep getting placement errors in game. I've done a few things to allieviate the problem, but the error isn't consistant, so tracking it is hard. I think it's caused by one of two things: 1. Units keep trying to spawn on top of each other 2. The unit count in-game is being maxed. Any ideas? Or at least, is it possible to make the stupid spawn error not appear in game? Serially, that stupid alarm sound ruins the mood.
I don't have any experience with UMS maps, but what i've learned guessed is that with placement errors it is that their is no room for whatever creature to spawn in that area. (maybe making the area from where they spawn larger, to/or spread out the spawn points. Don't know if this will help
It helps a bit, as does making the units spawn in smaller waves...but the error continues regardless.
Maybe the units spawn too fast, so the first wave don't have time to move out of the way before the second wave spawns.
[img width=670 height=434]http://img212.imageshack.us/img212/3176/layer990ci2.jpg[/img] This is basically what the map looks like. The spawns I have trouble with are at the bottom right, or rather, the two layers that don't touch the edge, if it helps. The units may indeed spawn to fast. I guess I'll add a wait and see if it helps
The problem with the Unit Placement error is because a location you are spawning units at is not traversable or the location spawns too many units at once. The way StarCraft functions in creating units at a location is pretty much a grid-like pattern. It'll build until it makes a full square of units. Once the square is full, the unit placement error activates. Judging by your location placement, the two spawn points overlap, doubling the rate the square fills up at. Might want to move them a little bit away from each other and place a wait trigger.
Well, that reduced the problem, but I guess that error likes me to much to leave. There isn't, per chance, simply a way to stack the units when they spawn, is there?
I cannot believe I forgot to ask you what sets off the spawning trigger. There is a way to stack (Zerg) units, but they would have to be burrowed.
A scenario time elapsed condition (least). The problem is mainly with hydralisks, but also some mutas at the end.
Okay! There is your problem! Once the specific time has elapsed, the condition will be recurring, hence the over-spawning. You might want to activate the spawn trigger using a switch or death counter. Here is how it will work: The above trigger sets up the switch. This trigger reacts to the switch by creating any amount of units all the while shutting off. You could work around these triggers so that switch 1 is set every time opponents do something or when a specific time has passed. An example would be having the game time pass 11 seconds, the result would be switch 1 set. Then when the game passes 22 seconds, the switch will be set again! Hope this helps!
A switch solved the problem, but a diffrent kind of switch. The problem occured because units were in the spawn area. So I made a switch make them disappear. I don't know how to fix the path-finding problem, but this should work.