Unit Design

Discussion in 'Graphics, Wallpaper, Fanart, Signatures, etc' started by SD-Count, Sep 30, 2007.

Unit Design

  1. SD-Count

    SD-Count New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Yeah yeah, I know, email it, but I want some feedback first. (I procrastinate... a lot)

    Anyways, criticisms PLEASE and rate out of 10. I realize it's not colored and that's because I was a little (a lot) lazy and didn't PS it yet, I'll get to that, eventually, probably 11:30 on the 9th.


    Guess I should put that it combines HT and DT, haven't worked out all the kinks, that's for the 9th.
  2. -LT-

    -LT- New Member

    Aug 7, 2007
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    It's good. I give it a rating of 7.
    The arms are too skinny.
  3. Quanta

    Quanta New Member

    Jul 9, 2007
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    Well I'll just list some points

    1. The left arm is to shiny
    2. More detail in the face, though color might help with this. I don't really understand what's going on with his head.
    3. The shoulderpads are a bit large. They extend out so far that it looks a bit awkward. I'd shorten them up a bit, but their general shape looks nice.
    4. I think that unit is Terran but I'm not 100% sure. The psi effect going on in his right hand and his clothes remind me of Protoss, particularly dark templars. But the body looks Terran.
    5. The bladed weapon needs some work. The blade itself could use more detail and I'm not sure I am buying the way it is attached to the arm. It looks like there is a bracer on the for arm which attatches to a partially curved thing from which the blade extends. However, Since the partially curved thing extends beyond the brace and is not in contact with the arm it makes the whole system look unstable, like the guy might not have complete control of the weapon. I'd like to see it more closely melded with the fore arm just to make it look more solidly attatched.

    There's the bad and here's the good

    I like the ragged cloak and the torn robe. Looks very druid to me.

    The shading is quite good over all, much better than I can do.

    I'd give it a 6.5/10. That number would definitely be higher once it was colored and more detail was put into the fact. I guess I should emphasize that the face is the area needing the most work. The rest is rather minor compared to that.
  4. EatMeReturns

    EatMeReturns Happy Mapper Moderator

    Jun 28, 2007
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    Albuquerque, New Mexico
    i give it an 8.

    1 the shininess on the left arm gives it a scaly-look.
    2 in the face, i see psionic lightning coming from eyes, and a cloth wrapped around the bottom half. that is all i can understand from it.
    3 the shoulderpads are a bit large, they look sort of like shoulder shields more than pads.
    4 it does look very terran, the shoulders are a bit too square-this might be a result of the large shouldershields, and the arms are a tiny bit too short
    5 i like the fact that it seems a little hard to control, kind of gives the unit a dangerously-unstable test-subject as if the dark/high templar idea was new to the protoss

    the ragged cloak and torn robe look less druid and more... necromancer to me.

    the shading is also very good... i cant draw, so...

    my rating would jump to a 9 if it was colored and if the above changes were made... but that is just my personal views of it. very nice all in all!
  5. SD-Count

    SD-Count New Member

    Sep 12, 2007
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    Thanks for the help, agree with mostly what you guys said except for the left arm. The light source is mid-upper left and to make it uniform the left being metal would have to be the second brightest form bar the left shoulder.

    Will work on coloring, well probably another version, this one's boring. I'll probably do an action shot, sometime.
  6. GoldenElite21

    GoldenElite21 New Member

    Sep 15, 2007
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    it was ok, it just looked a bit... well... awkward... the main point of it was ok, but the arms / armor looked unusual and out of place... i give it a 6 out of ten, but some clearing on the picture, and changes to make it look more realistic would help a ton to actually see what it is meant to be seen as. otherwise, you did an ok job