Ok, as you all may know the supply depot on the terrans can now delve underground. There are a few questions I would like to ask. I have searched for threads on this topic and didnt find any of this exact question *topic*. I was thinking? Can you still attack the supply depots, do you have to have detectors. Do they have less armor while underground, do they still give food? I love this idea by them but i'm still confused on exactly what happens with it. Do you have to upgrade this? If you can answer any of these, or discuss how you might use them please reply below. T h a n k Y o u !
I have read somewhere on the blizzard fora that: you do not need observers etc to attack them they have equal armor when submerged ie. the only difference is that it is submerged, it still has all its other functions (provide food etc) The only thing I do not know for sure is whether you need to research to have the ability to submerge them..
so wait suppose you have a supply depot which gives you +8 to your pop cap If you burrow the supply depot you lose the 8+ additon to the pop cap?
Thats what me trying to figure out? Cuz then are little people cant live there......reducing pop? Idk I bet they dont lose it though, just wondering.
the submerging of supply depots probably came about so u can have more military space for marines,tanks,firebats,ect. ground troops
It's actually more of a base defense thing. Terran players usually wall themselves off with Supply Depots, but you have to use a Dropship to leave. This allows you to leave on foot, but still have a wall.
Ya, thats why you can delve underground. If you want to see it happen go to 3:11 on this video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8Vs4LbScr0
What do u mean by delve? And yes the supply depots are meant to block off your base so u can still move forces out and or block the enemy and shoot them before they can enter.
You would think that it would increase the Armor of the depot... Its underground, if you burry a person and shoot @ them, most of the bullets wouldn't hit, meaning they would live longer....well...Untell they had to breath./
I have seen many people use the strategy. They would wall their base off with supply depots, and would have a barracks to go in and out. I have used this strategy before as well. But the barracks makes the wall pretty much pointless. The ability to go underground will make things so much easier. That's why it was in there in the first place. I haven't heard that you need to research the ability. It's not that helpful enough to have a research for it. This can easily be balanced. Again I say there is no point for having a research for it, it's alrighty balanced.
^ same here. However I haven't used this stretegy. But I still thinknthat using supply depots like that would take alot of stress off the player.
Agreed, Gardian_Defender. It does take stress off the player. It also slows the enemy down. This gives you more time to mount a defence, or an counter-attack. But do you really have to post the same thing twice?
I was wondering how the underground depots would fit into farm-walling strategies, and this explains it. It hadn't occurred to me to use it as a gate. Cool.
That's what makes it so effective. That's why it will be used more. You have to have something like a gate, or fly over it. Flying over it has a lot of risks. The barracks or some other flying building used as a gate wastes more minerals than just all supply depots. With this ability we will be able to protect our bases, and it will be used more often. Beginners may even start using it more, or start using it.
Yeah, it's true. The supply depot has the ability to submerge though it retains all of it's previous charateristics. It can still be attacked, it still burns to rubbles at low health, it provides supply and most importantly, it retains the properties of a building, including the armor type. Only now, units can traverse over it and the ability does not need to be researched.
Sry about the double WTF was that post. Had aboslutly no clue that happened. And yes maybe beginers will acually use the depo wall instead of it being something for pros only.