A new video has popped up from the Dominion website. It recaps the events of the Brood War story.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CBLl1rWlub8
They cut all of brood war's plot, guess it wasn't that important (Just UED appearing being destroyed and some semi important characters dying)
Since the UED doesn't appear(outside the spartan company mercenaries) and Fenix or Duke didn't get mentioned in the rest of the recap, Brood War won't be that important for starcraft2.
Well Brood War was mostly about Kerrigan becoming sole ruler of the Zerg, so they just cut it down to that. Although they did miss alot of important stuff and I'd like to of seen some cool UED artwork, but it said only what was needed
I really want to see the UED send out something bigger than an expeditionary fleet too. From the spoilers trickling out, I'm loosing hope. Well, maybe in one of the next two they'll return to turn everything upside down. It is some superb artwork in there. The Tassadar pic kinda makes me think I could punch the dude in the gut and he'd split in half though. You know; if he wouldn't explode my brain or cut me down to a bloody mist first. The waste line might be from the fact that Protoss don't have mouths. How do they nourish themselves exactly? I'd assume from the Khala... but then...why does Sylandis have boobies? Or maybe it's just the armor? Damn you Metzen!
they don't do it from the khala. The absorb energy from either sun or moonlight and can absorb dew through their skin. One assumes that the breasts, or as you call them 'boobies', release a special kind of 'dew' that helps the growth of babies. Or maybe they are just trying to increase sales, but when they see this post will agree with me to cover up.
Breats get cancer; boobies get pawed at. I feel bad now... gonna look at some boobies till I cheer up.