I purchased the digital copy of Starcraft II and selected to install it to my external hard drive because it has much more room. However, even though the drive has 258 GB free, whenever the download reaches 3.99 GB I get a message that says there is no more available room. Is there any way I can either fix this problem or change the install location to my internal hard drive? Thanks
Try installing to internal drive. Make sure your CD isn't scratched. All else fails, try downloading the client and using your auth key for that.
I want to download to the internal but I don't know how to change the install location that I first selected when I started the download. And I don't have the CD or an authent key as I purchased the digital download.
Hrm. Completely delete the install (not the download), and clear out your temp files (CCleaner is a great tool for this). You might also have to go into Common Files\Blizzard and delete the StarCraft II folder.
What do you mean by the install? The files that have already been downloaded? And when I go to the Blizzard Entertainment common files folder it is empty.
No, the install location files. Not the downloaded ones. I'm assuming it works the same way as the WoW download client in that it downloads, unpacks, then installs. And the temp folders. Don't forget them.
I'm not sure where to find the temp files and I'm not even sure if there are any install files because the download was never completed.
I just delete all 3000 temp files and there are no side effects? And are these the right files to delete because I am downloading only onto the external hard drive and not to the internal hard drive.
Yep. I currently have one .txt in my temp folder. It's basically files your computer no longer needs. http://pcsupport.about.com/od/maintenance/ht/manualtempxp.htm CCleaner is a great utility for keeping your computer running smooth and keeping your space down.
Thank you very much for your help but before I do this do you know of any way to change my install location from my external to my internal hard drive? And what do I do after I've deleted the temp files?