i played SC2 on my bro's rig while visiting him in College and it was sickening sweet! and now just got a copy for myself, after the first few minutes into the campaign, something's not right. when i played on my bro's, i was able to click on the civilians and critters and it will shows its portraits animations. after i installed my own, i am unable click them AT ALL. What is wrong? Much appreciated and thanks in advance
Some critters and civilians are clickable while others are not. You weren't clicking on the same ones that you clicked on at your brother's.
im pretty sure im not dreaming it was at the first glance on the first mission of the game i was in awe, and when i clicked on the random civilians, they were all have different portraits and everything, like the girl with the black hair or that bald guy over there, they were all clickable. there must be some bug or something to click somewhere D: that's why im asking.
I don't think graphics settings have anything to do with how the game works. As I said, some things are clickable, some are not, like the lava critter as opposed to the other ones.